The 31 May 2006 Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — A Strategy for a Secure Information Society — ‘Dialogue, Partnership and Empowerment’;
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1. Our societies are rapidly moving into a new phase of development, towards a ubiquitous information society, where more and more of the everyday activities of the citizens are based on the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) as well as electronic communications networks; network and information security should be considered as a key enabler for this development and for its success;
2. Trust is a vital element in the success of the new Information Society; trust also relates to the experiences of the endusers and to the need to respect their privacy; therefore, network and information security should not be merely considered as a technical issue;
3. Network and information security is an essential part in the creation of a European Information Space as part of the
i2010 Initiative, thus contributing to the success of the renewed Lisbon Strategy; ICT is also a critical component of innovation, economic growth and jobs throughout the economy.
Nota AvocatNet: Numai legislatia europeana din editia printata a Jurnalului Oficial al Uniunii Europene poate fi considerata autentica
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