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Forum Discuţii juridice Dreptul muncii - contract de ... munca in UK
Discuție deschisă în Dreptul muncii - contract de muncă, demisie, salariu şi altele

munca in UK

Buna seara !
Am primit o oferta de munca la un hotel din Londra si schita contractului de munca pe care o anexez in attach cu rugamintea de a ma lamuri daca datele cuprinse sunt in concordanta cu legislatia europeana a muncii.
Va multumesc !

© One Aldwych
London WC2B 4BZ United Kingdom
+44 (0) 702 403 3528 +44 (0) 702 403 3579
LD: 34454 LONDON 17
Date: ------/------/-------
This is an agreement reached between One Aldwych Hotel, hereby referred to as the first party or employer and the applicant hereby referred to as the second party or employee and the Russell Jones & Walker as the third party and our solicitor. You are to read this letter carefully before signing it, so as to know if you agree to the terms and conditions stated in
You have been offered the position of a at One Aldwych. Your employment date will commence on . We have agreed to pay you the sum of £2,200GBP as your monthly salary, excluding other employer's benefits. You are entitled to travel and relocation allowance which would be paid by the One Aldwych before resumption of duty. Your performance will be reviewed periodically and the One Aldwych shall make adjustments to your salary as it sees fit. Besides the gazette public holidays, you are entitled to thirty (30) days paid annual leave upon the completion of one year's service from the date of confirmation of your employment. Pro-rated annual leave before the
completion of one year's service is at the sole discretion of the employer. You cannot carry forward any unutilized annual leave to the next year. Any leave balance at the end of the calendar year shall be forfeited. All leave applications must be made in writing and at least seven (7) days in advance and shall be approved
at the absolute discretion of the One Aldwych.
You are under the obligation to abide by the United Kingdom Laws while in London.
This letter of appointment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England.
We, the One Aldwych will make arrangements for your Flight Ticket, Visa
Accommodation to enable you travel down here to London to resume your job before the given date stated above, while you are only required to pay for your DER Application Form/Approval, National Insurance, Expatriate Work Permit and Foreign Affairs Certification.
• BASIC MONTHLY SALARY: £2,200.00 GBP only. Travel Insurance and Medical Insurance.
• HOUSING & FURNISHINGS: £2,850.00 GBP (Yearly).
• After your one month probationary (training/orientation) period here in the One Aldwych
Hotel, you will be expected to resume working at posted location in the One Aldwych Hotel, London.
• Work Hours: Mondays through Fridays, Time: 7.00am to 3:55pm with break period of 2hrs hours only, beginning from 12.00noon to 2.00pm. Fridays are work free day for our Muslims Employees.
• Employees shall also be entitled to over-time allowance if their work time exceeds the official stipulated hours. Salary shall be liable to increments with time and employees' official promotions and position in service.
• OLD SCHEME HOUSING LOAN: One (1) year service to One Aldwych Hotel is required
for eligibility. Starter’s amount will be £15,000.00 GBP can be re-paid within ten (10) years with 5%
• LIEU CAR LOAN: All Employees are eligible to apply. Starter’s amount will be £5,500.00 GBP
can be re-paid within five (5) years
• TRAFFORD BUSINESS LOAN: All Employees are eligible to apply starter’s amount will be
£10,000.00 GBP to £30,000.00 GBP annually.
• Employees are entitled to (2) times leave in a year, the duration of the leave is one month each. Employee will receive £1,250.00 GBP take home for each leave period.
• Two months’ salary of £4,400 (Inclusive of all allowances & benefits) shall be paid in advance before any employee relocates to new job location after the necessary documentation being specified below has been cleared.
• All payments of salary after assumption of duty in One Aldwych Hotel London shall be made in full to the salary account of the Employer. This is in line with the British Expatriate Financial Statutory Laws.
• Employee is expected to reside at The One Aldwych Housing Estate for a period of one (1) year, whereby the hotel management would be responsible to take care of the employee’s accommodation and the only fees which would be required to pay is a REGISTRATION FEE. There are three (3) packages which we have available here at The One Aldwych Hotel’s Housing Estate which the employee can choose from. Below are the package plans and the registration fees involved.
Executive King Room (Family Package Included) - £ 1,520.25
Double Superior King Room (Family Package Included) - £ 987.25
Deluxe King Room (For Single Worker Only) - £ 635.25
• Employee is entitled to take meals free of charge at the general staff canteens. Dietary option, customized cooks and dieticians are available options
• Employer will provide the employee with comprehensive health care for the term of contract and follow-on care for injuries suffered during the term of contract for employee and family.
• Employee shall be entitled to comprehensive health care services, which are to be administered by medical experts on job locations.
• In a case of emergency situation, an Employee will be flown to his home country or any country suitable for the best medical attention. This decision can be influenced by the findings of One Aldwych Hotel medical experts, unless the Employee in question states otherwise.
 As a NON-EU Citizen, you would require a Visa and a Residence Work Permit, so as for you to enter and be eligible to work here in the UK. One Aldwych Hotel management would be responsible to pay for your Visa and Flight Ticket, but you will have to bear the charges which would be used for the processing of your Residence Work Permit.
 As an EU Citizen and a Member of the EEA, you do not require a Visa and Work Permit to enter and work in the UK. One Aldwych Hotel management would be responsible to pay for your Flight Ticket, but there are other necessary documentations you might need and this would be discussed with you by the Immigration Office here in London.

You should also note that your employment here at the One Aldwych Hotel, would be considered under the TIER 2 CASES work permit application scheme and you are entitled to work for a period of 60 months (i.e. 5 years) or above if you which to extend your employment here at the One Aldwych Hotel or with some other company/organization.
Please confirm your acceptance of the above terms and conditions and your agreement of payment being
required by signing and returning to us the scanned copy of this letter, so as for we to be in contact with the British High Commission here in London for the preparation of your traveling documents and you should also note that, they would be in contact with the British Embassy over there in your country. Also note that, the Russell Jones & Walker, our solicitors here in London would also be getting a copy of this letter in other to avoid future misunderstanding.
Thanks for your co-operation and we are looking forward to seeing you here at the One Aldwych to share your ideas to build up this great organization.
Abida Chaudhry
HR Administrator One Aldwych Hotel Applicants Name Signature
Rebecca M. Fowler, Russell Jones & Walker
vezi ca mie imi miroase a scam. Stilul mesajului e aparte, nu pot explica. Telefoanele cu +4470xxx sunt numere virtuale, poti sa-ti faci si din romania asa ceva si cine te suna crede ca suna in uk, de fapt poti fi oriunde pe glob. Fa sapaturi (poti vedea ip-ul de unde s-a trimis - e posibil sa vezi ca e trimis din africa. Pot doar sa te sfatuiesc sa nu trimiti NICIUN BAN inainte.
:offtopic: Intervenitie moderator
@ buiavasi

Mesajele se scriu in limba romana. ... pe viitor, incercati sa traduceti astfel de mesaje penru a da posibilitatea si celor care nu stapanesc asa de bine limba engleza de a va oferi o parere sau un sfat.
multumesc pt sfat dle rosca iar de la dna/dl freelis asteptam un raspuns daca putea sa mi-l dea in calitatea sa de consilier juridic daca nu ma putea ignora eu astept raspunsuri de la cei care cunosc legislatia europeana a muncii pt a sti ce sa fac nu sa mi se faca observatii

~ final discuție ~

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