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Marți, 4 martie, are loc evenimentul: Politica privind prevenirea hărțuirii la locul de muncă - De la concept la implementare practică. Participă →

Forum Discuţii juridice Dreptul muncii - contract de ... contract individual de munca urgent
Discuție deschisă în Dreptul muncii - contract de muncă, demisie, salariu şi altele

contract individual de munca urgent

Are cineva o traducere a contractului individual de munca in engleza sau stie cineva unde as putea gasi o asemenea varianta?

Cel mai recent răspuns: Lelia Ionescu , Contabil 09:13, 9 Noiembrie 2009
Individual labor contract
closed and recorded the number of........................ records in the register of employees registered under the number......................................

Employer - legal person ........................, based in ................, registered with the Trade Register under number ........................, with ............... and the tax code legally represented by ....................................as administrator,


Employees - .................................., residing in the area of ......................, who has of the identity............ series, number .........., issued by ................, ....................., seria____ employment record, number _________ dated ___________.

We have concluded this individual contract of work in these conditions, on which we agreed.
Providing paid work.
C) the duration
a) Undeterminate ,the employee_____________ will begin work on __________;

b) Determined by ................ months, the period between the date on ..............and ...........................;


1.The activity takes place at ......................................;
2.In the absence of a fixed job, the employee will perform such work: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Occupation / profession: ..........................according to the classification occupations in Romania;
F) the JOB

Powers station are scheduled in the job description, attached individual employment contract.

G) working conditions

1.Activitatea be conducted in accordance with Law 31 / 1991.
2.Activitatea and contracts shall take place under normal / special / special work, according to Law 19/2000 on public pension system and other social insurance rights and, with subsequent modifications.

1.o full time, during working hours to........... hours / day, ............. hours / week;

a) The distribution program is done as follows: from ............ to ..............
b) Working hours may change in terms of internal regulations / applicable collective labor contract.

2.O-time, during working time is of __ hours / day, __ hours / week;

a) The distribution program is done as follows: from ___ to ___.
b) Working hours may change in terms of internal regulations / applicable collective labor contract.
c) No overtime shall be made except in cases of force majeure or for other urgent work to prevent accidents or remove the consequences.
Duration of annual leave is ............ days, compared with working time (full time, part-time).
It also benefits from an additional leave of __ days.

1. The basic salary is ..........lei per month tariff.

2. Other constituents:

a) increases in the amount of 0 lei / month;
b) compensation in the amount of 0 lei / month;
c) other benefits, amounting to 0 lei / month;

3. Overtime performed outside normal working hours or on days when not working or on public holidays, shall be compensated with hours of paid or is paid with an increase in salary under the collective labor agreement or applicable law 53/2003 - Labor Code.

4. Date to be paid the salary of the month is .............

a)protection_____________________________________________ individual equipment;

b)working________________________________________________ individual equipment;

c) sanitary___________________________________________________ hygiene materials;

d) servicing protectie______________________________________________________;

e) other rights and obligations ___________________________________


a) The trial period is 15 days;
b) the period of notice to the dismissal is 20 days, according to Law 53/2003 - Labor Code or the collective work;
c) If the resignation notice period is 15 calendar days, according to Law 53/2003 - Labor Code or the collective work;

d) if the employee going to operate abroad, the information required by Article 18 para. (1) of Law 53/2003 - Labor Code will be found in the individual labor contract;

e) other terms;

1. The employee has mainly the following rights:
a) The right to remuneration for work;
b) entitled to daily and weekly rest;
c) The right to annual leave;
d) The right to equal opportunity and treatment;
e) The right to safety and health at work;
f) The right to training, provided addenda;

2. Incumbent employee, in particular the following responsibilities:
a) the obligation to perform normal work or, where appropriate, to fulfill her duties as the job description;
b) the obligation to respect work discipline;
c) the obligation of fidelity to the employer in performing duties;
d) the obligation to comply with health and safety measures work in the unit;
e) bound by secrecy.
3. An employer shall, in particular the following rights:
a) gives the binding provisions for employee, subject to their legality;
b) to exercise control over the performance of duties of office;
c) disciplinary commission to establish and apply appropriate sanctions, by law, collective labor agreement and the Rules applicable.
4. Employer obligations, in particular the following responsibilities:
a) to give the employee any rights under individual employment contracts, the collective labor agreement and applicable law;
b) to provide permanent technical and organizational conditions considered when developing appropriate labor standards and working conditions;
c) inform the employee on working conditions and the factors relating to the conduct of labor relations;
d) issue, upon request, all documents certifying the status of an employee of the applicant;
e) to ensure confidentiality of his personal data;
The provisions of this individual employment contract is completed with the provisions of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code and applicable collective labor agreement signed in the employer / group of employers / industry / national, registered under no. ... ... ... ... ... .... / ... ... ... ... ... ... To DGMSS the county / city ... ... ... ... ... ... ... / MLSS

Any change of contract terms during the performance of individual employment contract requires the completion of an addendum to the contract, according to the laws.
This contract was completed in 3 (three) copies, one for each side.

A) conflicts related to the closure, enforcement, modification, suspension or termination of this individual employment contract shall be settled by substantive and territorial court under the law.
by legal representative


~ final discuție ~

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