avocatnet.ro explicăm legislația
Caută (ex. salariu minim) 869 soluții astăzi
Forum Activitate Munteanu Carmen Emilia

Activitate Munteanu Carmen Emilia

Nu mai pot face transmiterea on-line in Revisal si nu stiu ce se intampla? Am incercat sa sun la cei de la ITM Bacau dar mi-au spus ca serverul se afla la bucuresti. Acesta este mesajul de eroare care imi apare in momentul cand dau autentificare registru. Am incercat si am intrat in continue to this website, a mers pana la ,,vizualizare fisier" si de acolo nu mai merge . Daca aveti posibilitate ajutati-ma va rog . Sunt de la SERVICIUL PUBLIC DE ASISTENTA SOCIALA MOINESTI.

There is a problem with this website's security certificate.

The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.

Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.
Click here to close this webpage.
Continue to this website (not recommended).
More information

If you arrived at this page by clicking a link, check the website address in the address bar to be sure that it is the address you were expecting.
When going to a website with an address such as [ link extern ] .
If you choose to ignore this error and continue, do not enter private information into the website.

For more information, see "Certificate Errors" in Internet Explorer Help.