Am incercat sa restrang informatiile pe cat de mult posibil.
Noi in momentul de fata trebuie sa stim daca acest tip de aplicatie este legala sau daca exista o cale/clauze prin care poate devenii legala. In principiu noi am dorii sa ne inspiram si reformulam din termenii si conditiile de utilizare intalnite si la aplicatiile asemanatoare de la sfarsitul e-mail-lui.
In paragraful urmator poti gasi o explicatie wikipedia pentru acest tip de aplicatie pe care ne planificam sa o lansam:
"Free-to-play (F2P) refers to game which give players access to a significant portion of their content without paying. There are several kinds of free-to-play games, but the most common is based on the freemium software model. For freemium games, users are granted access to a fully functional game, but must pay microtransactions to access additional content. Free-to-play can be contrasted with pay-to-play, in which payment is required before using a service for the first time.
The model was first popularly used in early massively multiplayer online games targeted towards casual gamers, before finding wider adoption among games released by major video game publishers to combat video game piracy and high system requirements. Without up front payment, publishers may charge money for in-game items or integrate advertisements into the game."
Aceasta aplicatie "multiplayer online games" va fi gratuita iar pentru o dezvoltare mai rapida in joc vor fi disponibile 6 tipuri de pachete de beneficii/bunuri virtuale pe care jucatorii le achizitioneaza cu bani reali prin diferite metode:
- plata cu cardul(optional);
- transfer bancar;
- paypal;
- resellers.
Pentru activitatea prestata participantii la joc vor fi rasplatiti cu premii in banii reali in functie de punctajul acumulat.