avocatnet.ro explicăm legislația
Caută (ex. salariu minim) 494 soluții astăzi
Forum Activitate Cornelyuiasi

Activitate Cornelyuiasi

Buna ziua,
avem urmatoarea situatie firma noastra este platitoare de TVA in RO noi am prestat servicii de transport catre o firma din Anglia care nu este platitoare de TVA in Anglia , in momentul facturari la contabilitate au zis sa facturam suma plus 24% TVA.
Problema este ca atunci cand au primit factura de la noi au zis ca ei platesc TVA doar daca factura este emisa de o firma englezeasca cu numar valid de TVA si suma de bani este platita intrun cont catre un beneficiar din Regat.
Am contactat HRMC din Anglia si am primit urmatorul raspuns:

Dear Sir/Madam

I apologise for the delay in responding to your enquiry dated 29 November 2014, we are experiencing a high volume of enquires at present, your patience is appreciated.

The Place of Supply VAT rules for Business to Business supplies of services are as follows:
The Place of Supply is where the customer belongs whether or not they are registered for VAT.
So, in this case you do not charge VAT to this UK customer. However, if the value of this supply takes your customer's annual taxable supplies above the UK VAT registration threshold (currently £81,000), they must register for VAT in the UK.

If you have any further queries regarding this matter, please submit your enquiry via our website, ensuring that you quote the case reference number at the top of this reply. Enquiries can be submitted by following the appropriate links on the VAT 'Contact us' page at www. hmrc.gov.uk

Yours sincerely

VAT Written Enquiries Office

VAT Helpline 0300 200 3700

Opening times 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday

Acum urmeaza intrebarea:

La ce servicii intracomunitare se factureaza TVA 0% chiar daca beneficiarul nu este platitor de TVA si neinscris in ROI?