Daca eu fac un program tot creatie proprie se cheama, statul nu poate sa imi ceara nimic in faza asta, toate bune si frumoase pina aici. Daca eu vreau sa-l vand in orice mod (folosind internetul - download direct de pe site-ul propriu, prin magazine pe CD-uri) deja intervine un castig pe care statul vrea sa-l impoziteze. Spune-i comert sau valorificare creatie, impozit datorezi la stat ...
Statul nu te obliga sa te folosesti de intermediari. Probabil cel mai indicat cod e
581 Activitati de editare a cartilor, ziarelor, revistelor si alte activitati de editare
[ link extern ]
This division includes the publishing of books, brochures, leaflets, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlases, maps and charts; publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals; directory and mailing list and other publishing, as well as software publishing.
Publishing includes the acquisition of copyrights to content (information products) and making this content available to the general public by engaging in (or arranging for) the reproduction and distribution of this content in various forms. All the feasible forms of publishing (in print, electronic or audio form, on the Internet, as multimedia products such as CD-ROM reference books etc.), except publishing of motion pictures, are included in this division.
This division excludes the publishing of motion pictures, video tapes and movies on DVD or similar media (division 59) and the production of master copies for records or audio material (division 59). Also excluded is printing (see 18.11, 18.12) and the mass reproduction of recorded media (see 18.20)