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Forum Activitate Alessia77

Activitate Alessia77

Răspuns la discuția Contract de munca Anglia
Merci mult, deocamdata l-am verificat pe angajator care e ok, dar pe avocat nu il gasesc inca. Merci inca o data
Buna ziua, va cer ajutorul deoarece am primit o oferta de munca in Anglia iar in cadrul contractului exista o stipulare pe care nu o inteleg:
(f) Before the processing of the Employee’s entrance document, Employee must be Sworn an AFFIDAVIT OF GUARANTEE at the British Crown via a UK based employment/immigration attorney and solicitor, as this will serve as evidence and proof of stay to work with the above mentioned family only upon your arrival to United Kingdom.

2.4 The Nanny shall be reimbursed by the Employer for all reasonable expenses incurred by her at the Crown Court in the performance of her duties under this contract, provided that the expenses are incurred with the approval of the Employer and provided the Nanny produces such evidence of expenditure as the Employer may reasonably require.

Daca stie cineva despre ce este vorba, as aprecia daca mi s-ar oferi un raspuns.
Va multumesc anticipat!