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Forum Activitate ContSters240009

Activitate ContSters240009

Mulţumesc frumos. Eram aproape sigur că asta e interpretarea corectă, însă, cu riscul de a fi considerat într-un anume fel, am zis să cer şi o a doua opinie.
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

I write to inform you that the ECHR decided on X jan 2012, after having deliberated, to strike the above application out of its list of cases in so far as it relates to the complaint under Article 6 (1) of the Convention concerning the lenght of the proceedings and to declare the remainder of application inadmissible.

To enable the sum mentioned in the law part of the decision to be paid to you, you are requested to forward your bank account details directly to the Gov. agent (Mrs Irina Cambrea) etc.

Iar acum, decizia

... The Court has established in a number of cases, including those brought agains Romania, its practice concerning complaints about the violation of one's right to a hearing within a reasonable time (see Abramiuc c Romania, no. 37411/02).
Having regard to the nature of the admissions contained in the Government's declarations, as well as the amounts of compensations proposed - which are consistent with the amounts awarded in similar cases - The Court considers that is is no longer justified to continue the examination of the applications (Article 37 (1) c)
Moreover, in light of the above considerations, and in particular given the clear and extensive case-law on the topic, the Court is satisfied that respect for human rights as defined in the Convention and the Protocols thereto does not require it to continue the examination of the complaints on length of proceedings (Article 37 (1) in fine)
Accordingly, this part of the applications should be struck out of the list.

For these reasons, the Court unanimously

Decides to join the applications;

Takes note of the terms of the respondent Government's declaration under Article 6 (1) of the Convention regarding the length of the procediings and of the modalities for ensuring compliance with the undertakings referred to therein.
Buna seara,

Tocmai am primit decizia CEDO privind cererea depusa de parintii mei, in legatura cu incalcarea art. 6 alin. 1 din Conventie, respectiv durata prea mare a unui proces.

Guvernul a declarat prin reprezentantul sau ca intr-adevar, exista o incalcare a articolului invocat mai sus in ce priveste durata excesiva a procedurilor din cadrul unui proces, si, ca sunt pregatiti sa ne plateasca o anumita suma de bani, pe care noi am considerat-o insuficienta pentru a ne acoperi costurile.

Cererea a fost declarata inadmisibila, insa nelamurirea mea este aceea ca desi a fost declarata inadmisibila, ni se spune sa inaintam repr Guvernului, d-nei Cambria, contul nostru pentru a ni se face plata.

Pana sa postez aici, am cautat informatii suplimentare in legatura cu situatii similare cu a noastra insa nu am gasit.

Cu alte cuvinte, chiar daca cererea a fost declarata inadmisibila, suntem indreptatiti sa primim oferta Guvernului, care a constatat ca exista o incalcare a articolului sus-mentionat ? Sau inadmisibilitatea inseamna si dreptul de a nu mai primi suma respectiva.

Cu toate ca nelamurirea mea poate fi considerata naiva sau in orice fel, astept un raspuns care sa imi clarifice gandurile.

Va multumesc !