avocatnet.ro explicăm legislația
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Forum Activitate sserrginio

Activitate sserrginio

Discuție salarizare
Sunt expert asistent la un birou de informare şi relaţii publice în cadrul unui tribunal din ţară. Nu sunt sigur dacă salariul meu este bine stabilit. Am 7 ani vechime în muncă şi un an vechime în specialitate. Care ar trebui să fie salariul meu net? Pentru salarizarea şi promovarea referitoare la funcţia mea se aplică doar Statutul funcţionarilor publici şi Legea unică de salarizare - încadrarea făcându-se în cadrul funcţionarilor publici din cadrul autorităţilor publice sau există şi alte legi care reglementează funcţia în care sunt încadrat, adică de personal contractual în ministerul justiţiei?
Discuție contract
Va rog sa ma ajutati daca se poate cu un raspuns pentru urmatoarea problema: in urma cu doua luni am licitat pentru un produs de pe e-bay. Nu am stiut ca daca licitezi si castigi licitatia, esti obligat sa si il cumperi, chiar daca ulterior nu mai poti. Mi-au trimis niste instiintari, dar nu si aceea ca respectivul vanzator a trimis factura la un fel de firma de recuperare care ma obliga sa platesc pe langa valoarea produslui licitat si niste bani in plus, posibile penalizari. Va rog sa ma sfatuiti ce trebuie sa fac. Ce se poate intampla daca nu platesc amenda plus pretul pentru produs? Imi vine acasa factura, cum ma poate da in judecata firma respectiva? Ce lege internationala exista in acest sens? Alaturat, va trimit e-mailul primit de la acea firma de recuperari:

Dear Mr. Lucian,

As we have already informed you with our letter dated 13 Sep 2012,the company Schuh-Taxi Markus Kliem has assigned us with the collection of an outstanding payment. Our client sold you the following goods by prepayment on 31 Jul 2012:

- 1xINGA Overknee Damen Stiefel Heels Lack schwarz oder rot

For this service, you owe a sum amounting to EUR29.79. Unfortunately, you have also not responded to our reminder dated 13 Sep 2012. In order to avoid additional costs, we ask you to pay the outstanding amount plus accrued default costs immediately.

The total claim which you must settle consists of the following:

our client's basic claim: EUR29.79
our client's dunning costs, to date: EUR5.00
pre-court debt collection charges: EUR37.50
pre-court debt collection expenses: EUR4.50
account management fees: EUR4.00
Total amount still outstanding (dated: 25 Sep 2012): EUR80.79

The asserted claim amounting to EUR80.79 is to be transferred to our bank account indicated below within the next 4 days indicating the file number 243301384.

After the expiration of the deadline, we will have the claim assigned to us and initiate a judicial collection procedure according to §§ 688 ff. ZPO (Civil Process Order) with which considerable court and attorney costs will accrue and, if necessary, also enforcement costs for the bailiff.

After the implementation of judicial enforcement proceedings, the loss of your creditworthiness must be taken into consideration due to the registration in the official list of debtors. Therefore, in your own interest, please settle this claim within the set time limit.

With kind regards

mediafinanz AG

Registered as a debt collection agency
according to § 10 sect. 1 No 1 RDG (File reference: 9 M 13)
by the president of the District Court, Osnabrück.
Weiße Breite 5
D-49084 Osnabrück
Telefon: +49 (0)541 2029-172
Telefax: +49 (0)541 2029-182
E-Mail: team2@mediafinanz.de
Internet: www.mediafinanz.de

Vorstand: Mathias Berg, Nadin Wöstmann

Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Alexander Ey (Vorsitzender),
Matthias Folkers, Dr. Arndt Sundermann

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Osnabrück
Amtsgericht Osnabrück HRB 202161
Tax number: 66/208/10083

Bank account:
mediafinanz AG
Account number: 246447
Bank code: 26550105
Sparkasse Osnabrück

Swift / BIC-Code: NOLADE22
IBAN: DE50 2655 0105 0000 2464 47

Please specify AZ 243301384 as the reason for payment!

A further important note:
If we do not receive payment within the next days, or receive any other reply to this email, we will, in addition, technically check whether the personal details, which we have on hand, are in line with the email address used here. We will investigate, in this way, whether the order was made fraudulently or under a false name.

The mediafinanz AG was admitted as a dept collection company by the Chief Magistrate of the Magistrates Court Osnabrück.

This message contains confidential information and is intended exclusively for the addressee. Usage by third parties is forbidden. The company is not responsible for the correct, complete or undelayed delivery of this message. Conventional emails are not protected from access by third parties. We assume, therefore, no liability for the integrity of emails. These remarks also apply for future messages.

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