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Forum Activitate miha321

Activitate miha321

Va multumesc din suflet pentru lamuriri ..o saptamana placuta va doresc ^____^
Va multumesc mult de tot ...acum inteleg cat de cat acesti termeni..

O ultima intrebare mai am ...incerc sa gasesc o traducere pentru additur...opusul sau este remittitur care inseamna in romana ,din ce am gasit...reducerea sentintei...opusul lui care ar fi?cresterea sentintei?

O zi cat mai placuta va doresc si inca o data multumesc pentru ajutor:)
Buna ziua,va multumesc pentru raspuns insa eu nu am text am doar termenii si definitiile .tot proiectul consta in gasirea echivalentului si a definitiilor in romana..insa pot sa va dau definitiile in engleza si poate asa va puteti da seama ...pentru ca eu am gasit doar traduceri care nu au legatura cu domeniul juridic...

1.actionable: giving sufficient reason to take legal action.
2.additur: a power given to a trial judge in some jurisdictions to increase the amount of an award for damages made by a jury.(2)This might be done because the judge finds the amount awarded to be inadequate ,or as a condition of an agreement with the defendant that denies a motion for a new trial.
3.adeem:to effectively revoke a gift made in a will by giving it away,destroying it ,or other disposing of the item during the lifetime of the person writing the will.For example,if the will stated that a person is to receive a valuable work of art from the testator but before death the art is sold or given to someone else ,the writer of the will has adeemed the gift.
4.ademption:the reduction in the value of an estate as the result of funds ,investments ,or property that have been sold ,given away,or otherwise disposed of before the death of the testator.
5.adjournment:the postponement of a court session or the temporary stoppage of a meeting of a public agency until another time and date.
6.administrator:a person appointed by a court to administer the estate of someone who died intestate(without having a valid will).
7.admissible:evidence or testimony allowed to be heard or entered into a court case.Certain types of evidence are otherwise inadmissible or immaterial.
8.admission:a statement made by a party to a lawsuit ,or the defendant in a criminal case.
Buna ziua ,

Am si eu nevoie de ajutorul celor care lucreaza in domeniul juridic.Am de tradus niste termeni juridici si prin dictionare si pe internet nu am gasit ce cautam..si ma intrebam daca stiti cumva acesti termeni sau daca exista...

Trebuie sa ii traduc din engleza in romana.

actionable....pe care l.am gasit ca fiind actionabil (in judecata) dar nu stiu daca exista?
am adeem care nu stiu cum sa il traduc
ademption l.am gasit ca fiind ademptiune dar iar nu stiu daca exista si definitia din romana nu seamana cu cea in engleza.
adjournment nu stiu daca e suspendare sau amanare?

adeem la fel..nu am nicio idee
administrator nu e administrator...scrie in def ca e o persoana desemnata de judecatorie sa se ocupe de mostenirea unui om fara testament,care a murit..si nu stiu daca i se spune asa sau exista un termen juridic...
admissible :care nu stiu cum se traduce..se traduce ca dovada valida?sau acceptata? si admission care cred ca se traduce marturie?sau confesiune?...

Orice informatie imi va fi de mare ajutor....va multumesc