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Forum Activitate black_00

Activitate black_00

Cu alte cuvinte am drepturi dar Deviantart e liber sa faca ce vrea cu fotografiile pe care le public. Totusi, nu cred ca cel care a scris cartea a contactat Deviantart si a distribuit fotografia fara a ma contacta mai intai. Poza era pusa ca "print" iar recent am pus un watermark pentru a impiedica viitoare copieri ilegale. Voi contacta si site-ul dar sunt sigur ca raspunsul va fi in favoarea mea.
Multumesc pentru raspunsuri!
Conform Submission Policy, artistul are toate drepturile asupra materialelor publicate pe site.

Ownership. Artist at all times retains all right, title and interest in and to the Artist Materials provided by Artist hereunder (including, without limitation, the copyrights in and to the Artist Materials), subject to the non-exclusive rights in the licenses granted to DeviantArt under this Agreement.

Deviantart are si drepturi de utilizare a materialelor urcate pe site dar doar in scop de promovare.

As and when Artist Materials are uploaded to the DeviantArt Site(s), Artist grants to DeviantArt a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to do the following things during the Term:

a) to prepare and encode Artist Materials or any part of them for digital or analog transmission, manipulation and exhibition in any format and by any means now known or not yet known or invented;

b) to display, copy, reproduce, exhibit, publicly perform, broadcast, rebroadcast, transmit, retransmit, distribute through any electronic means (including analog and digital) or other means, and electronically or otherwise publish any or all of the Artist Materials, including any part of them, and to include them in compilations for publication, by any and all means and media now known or not yet known or invented ;

c) to modify, adapt, change or otherwise alter the Artist Materials (e.g., change the size) and use the Artist Materials as described in Section 3(b); and

d) the right to sublicense to any other person or company any of the licensed rights in the Artist Materials, or any part of them, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

e) Artist acknowledges that Artist will not have any right, title, or interest in any other materials with which Artist Materials may be combined or into which all or any portion of Artist Materials may be incorporated.

f) During the Term, DeviantArt's licenses under this Agreement include the right to use any part of the Artist Materials in the promotion, advertising or marketing of the DeviantART Sites.

Imi e putin neclar cum se poate interpreta ce scrie la litera d).

the right to sublicense to any other person or company any of the licensed rights in the Artist Materials, or any part of them, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Recent am descoperit ca imi este folosita imaginea pe o coperta de carte a unui autor american. Cartea se poate gasi pe amazon: [ link extern ]
Poza originala este aici: [ link extern ]
Cum se poate intenta un proces pentru utilizarea unei fotografii fara drepturi de autor in interes comercial? Procesul va fi in Romania sau USA? Multumesc!
Răspuns la discuția Contestatie suspendare permis
Veneam de pe DN2 unde aveam sigur 100km/h daca nu chiar mai mult. Cert e ca am franat cand am vazut masina politiei, dar faptul ca era in miscare, cred poate duce la erori de stabilire a vitezei. Pv e completat ca la carte, nu am gasit lipsa sau erori in redactare deci nulitatea absoluta, cred ca pica. Nu stiu, in schimb, daca in pv e specificat doar marca radarului, nu si seria sau alte marcaje poate atrage nulitatea pv.
Multumesc foarte mult de raspuns! Daca cea mai buna solutie sa-mi primesc inpoi permisul, este examenul, il voi da, pentru ca ideplinesc toate conditiile. Este prima amenda de cand am permisul(12 ani).
Mi s-a suspendat permisul pentru 90 de zile pentru conducerea in localitatea Cleja(care nu are nici un kilometru), jud. Bacau, cu 103 km/h. Autospeciala cu numarul MAI 34632 care avea montat aparatul radar Autovision, era in miscare camuflat intre cateva masini. Agentul sef de politie D.V. m-a intrebat daca am obiectii fata de cele mentionate mai sus si fiind prima amenda pentru depasirea vitezei legale am zis ca nu, necitind ce scrie in procesul verbal(pentru ca il avea in fata lui), agentul a notat „Nu am obiectiuni”. Nu am vazut proba si nu stiu daca aveam chiar 103 km/h.
Se poate sa castig contestatia? Multumesc!

[Mesaj editat - 2.13 din regulament]