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Cum pot da in judecata o firma din Argentina? Si la cine sa apelez sa ma ajute daca am un caz impotriva lor


De curand m-am inscris pe un site din Argentina, care are birouri si prin Olanda. Site-ul aduna la un loc graficieni care in functie de proiectul care il ai iti trimit propuneri grafice, si daca e sa iti placa vreuna ii dai banii si trece in numele tau. I cazul meu este logoul pentru un site. Le-am dat banii, am primit 2-3 propuneri nu mi-a placut nimic, a intrat si fratemiu si a trimis si el un design, care arata mai bine ca toate. Motiv pentru care mi-au suspendat contul si mie si lui, si nu vor sa imi mai dea banii inapoi. Mentionez ca nu i-am ales design-ul ca fiind castigator, pur si simplu i-am dat un raiting mai mare decat restul pentru ca arata cel mai bine din toate. Dar nu ar fi fost un design pentru care asi fi si platit banii ( asteptam variante care sa imi merite banii).
Asi dori sa stiu daca pot sa construiesc un caz impotriva lor sa ii dau in judecata si daca este sa ajung acolo daca am castig de cauza. Pe index se lauda ca daca nu sunt satisfacut imi primesc banii inapoi 100% garantat.

Mai jos aveti si text-ul care l-am primit de la ei pe e-mail

Dear Sir/Madam,

As per our Terms & Conditions:

Multiple Users.
In Choosa we allow only one user per IP address which ensures that users of the community are genuine. You can request an additional user when necessary and we will allow it as long as, at the discretion of Choosa, the reason is legitimate.

We have decided to take action:

4.3.Choosa may disable, suspend or terminate any user account at any time if, in its discretion, the user has violated the provisions of the Terms and Conditions. Choosa may also, at its sole discretion, suspend or stop a project or transaction or take any other action it deems appropriate, in case of technical problems, illegal content or infringements of the policies and standards of Choosa.

6.2.4.Deserted or Cancelled Contests
Fraud Free Environment
Choosa reserves the right to investigate if the contest is within the framework of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the platform. If fraud is suspected, we will withhold the prize money while we investigate the claim. If Choosa is not satisfied with the information provided we may, at any time, appoint a panel of experts to select a winner who will then be given the prize money. In this case, the money paid by the Client (Contest Holder) as prize, commissions and other fees, is not refunded. Please carefully read the rules and regulations set forth in section: 6.2.4 Deserted or Canceled Contests.

7. Suspension and cancellation of services provided by Choosa
7.1.Notwithstanding what is stated in the preceding paragraphs, violation of any rules outlined in this document may result with Choosa suspending or terminating a user account and his/her access to the website Choosa.net, with or without notice at any time in its sole judgment and discretion, if considered that the user has used his/her account in bad faith, for illegal or fraudulent purposes, illegally, defamatory, abusively or in any damaging or impairing way, of the normal and correct functioning of the site.

Kind regards
Cel mai recent răspuns: advsys , utilizator 11:09, 6 Iulie 2012
Ati incalcat ToS-ul ... ati intrat de pe acelasi pc (ip) cu 2 conturi diferite ... ati incercat sa discutati cu adminii serv sa explicatii situatia? am vazut ca se putea face si un alt cont cu acordul lor ...

~ final discuție ~

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