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Forum Discuţii contabile şi ... Accize, alte taxe Taxa VAT
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Taxa VAT

Recent am gasit site-ul redbubble si m-am gandit sa imi fac si eu un cont si sa incerc sa imi vand desenele/logo-urile pe el insa aceasta 'Taxa VAT' ma nedumereste putin..
Daca eu vreau sa vand pe acest site desenele respective va trebui sa platesc aici in tara o taxa?

" 5. Taxation responsibility
5.1 Each party is responsible for their own taxes associated with each transaction and will account for any taxes imposed by governments or governing authorities, and related accounting or audit requirements arising out of, as a result of, incidental to, or in connection with obligations under this Services Agreement. We recommend that you consult with your tax advisor as to the application of taxes for you, as the seller of the merchandise. This may include Sales Tax, VAT, GST and other transactional taxes.

5.2 Redbubble will not collect or pay taxes on your behalf as Redbubble is merely acting as an agent in facilitating the sale of your product to the customers. As stated in clause 4.2 of this Agreement, the amounts distributed to you will be deemed to be inclusive of any taxes, if applicable. You will at all times be solely responsible for reporting and remitting any tax liabilities arising out of the sale of your products together with any potential interest or penalties that any tax authority may levy as a result of non-compliance. If you are registered for VAT in the EU, Redbubble may, upon your request, provide you with a VAT invoice for any charges levied by us.

5.3 If you have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Value Added Tax (VAT) you may submit your ABN or VAT to the website where requested. If you do not have an ABN or VAT, or if you elect not to submit your ABN or VAT to the website, you will be required to provide more information about the circumstances under which you are offering your products for sale on the website, including whether any of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or appropriate tax authority exemptions apply to you.

5.4 For the avoidance of doubt, all tax-related reporting responsibilities by you to relevant tax authorities are entirely your responsibility."

Daca da unde trebuie sa platesc aceasta taxa?si de unde pot lua acel VAT number?

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