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Forum Discuţii juridice Paşapoarte, cărţi de ... Affidavit
Discuție deschisă în Paşapoarte, cărţi de identitate, acte de stare civilă - formalităţi, obţinere, probleme


Buna ziua,

Am observat ca pt casatoria cu un cetatean american in Romania e nevoie de affidavit, ce se poate obtine de la ambasada SUA in Romania.
Numai ca pe site mai scrie asa:
We cannot advise you about the specific language needed in your affidavit, so please consult a lawyer or other advisor for that type of assistance before coming to have the document notarized.
Sa inteleg ca nu o sa ne dea ei gata scris documentul? Trebuie sa-l scriem noi si acolo numai mergem sa-l semnam?
Imi puteti arata si mie un model de declaratie de affidavit (ca e liber sa se casatoreasca) sau la cine sa apelez sa obtin un model?

Va multumesc,
Cel mai recent răspuns: Adrro84 , utilizator 20:34, 30 Martie 2010
Buna ziua !
Vedeti aici [ link extern ] .
Nu imi trebuie affidavit de emigrare.

Lui ii trebuie o declaratie ca e liber sa se casatoreasca conform legii din SUA, in loc de certificat de cutuma.

Affidavit (notarized statement) that the American citizen is free to marry (Certificat de cutuma). The affidavit is obtained from the US Embassy in Bucharest (the American Citizen Services in the Consular Section) during regular business hours; no appointment is necessary. The fee is 30.00 USD and the US passport must be presented when signing the affidavit.

de aici [ link extern ]

Trebuie sa o scriem de acasa in termeni specifici sau ne-o da ei gata scrisa si el numai o semneaza acolo?

Va multumesc,
Buna ziua !
Este un tipizat pe care vi- l pun ei la dispozitie, nu de emigrare.:foottap:.
Afidavit = s.n. (Jur.) Depoziție scrisă sau orală dată sub prestare de jurământ. [< fr., engl. affidavit]. Sursa: DN .
A notary public (or notary or public notary) is a public officer constituted by law to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerned with estates, deeds, powers-of-attorney, and foreign and international business. A notary's main functions are to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and statutory declarations, witness and authenticate the execution of certain classes of documents, take acknowledgments of deeds and other conveyances, protest notes and bills of exchange, provide notice of foreign drafts, prepare marine protests in cases of damage, provide exemplifications and notarial copies, and perform certain other official acts depending on the jurisdiction.[1] Any such act is known as a notarization. The term notary public only refers to common-law notaries and should not be confused with civil-law notaries.
With the exceptions of Louisiana, Puerto Rico, Quebec, whose private law is based on civil law, and British Columbia, whose notarial tradition stems from scrivener notary practice, a notary public in the rest of the United States and most of Canada has powers that are far more limited than those of civil-law or other common-law notaries, both of whom are qualified lawyers admitted to the bar: such notaries may be referred to as notaries-at-law or lawyer notaries. Therefore, at common law, notarial service is distinct from the practice of law, and giving legal advice and preparing legal instruments is forbidden to lay notaries.
An affidavit is a formal sworn statement of fact, signed by the author, who is called the affiant or deponent, and witnessed as to the authenticity of the affiant's signature by a taker of oaths, such as a notary public or commissioner of oaths. The name is Medieval Latin for he has declared upon oath. An affidavit is a type of verified statement or showing, or in other words, it contains a verification, meaning it is under oath or penalty of perjury, and this serves as evidence to its veracity and is required for court proceedings.
Uses of affidavits include:
To allow evidence to be gathered from witnesses or participants who may not be available to testify in person before the court, or who may otherwise fear for their safety if their true identities are revealed in court.
To obtain a declaration on a legal document, such as an application for voter registration, that the information provided by the applicant is truthful to the best of the applicant's knowledge. If, after signing such a declaration, the information is found to be deliberately untrue with the intent to deceive, the applicant may face perjury charges.
Affidavits may be written in the first or third person, depending on who drafted the document. If in the first person, the document's component parts are:
a commencement which identifies the affiant;
the individual averments, almost always numbered as mandated by law, each one making a separate claim;
a statement of truth[1] generally stating that everything is true, under penalty of perjury, fine, or imprisonment; and
an attestation clause, usually a jurat, at the end certifying the affiant made oath and the date.
If an affidavit is notarized or authenticated, it will also include a caption with a venue and title in reference to judicial proceedings. In some cases, an introductory clause, called a preamble, is added attesting that the affiant personally appeared before the authenticating autho
Ati inteles ?:D
Ultima modificare: Marți, 30 Martie 2010
Marius Zaharia, Avocat
Am inteles :)

Va multumesc ;)

~ final discuție ~

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