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Forum Activitate dani3ll

Activitate dani3ll

Buna seara.
Am primit acest email :
Sorry for any inconvenience, I'm in a terrible mess right now. Am deserted here in kiev ukraine since last night. I was hurt and robbed on my way back to the hotel i lodged.It was such a horrible experience for me,luckily i left my passports in the safe at the hotel. I have been to the Police and they directed me to the embassy but they're not helping issues at all. I have to canceled all my cards, it appeared I acted quickly enough or they almost would have succeeded in clearing out my bank account.the bad news is my flight will be leaving very soon but i am having problems settling the hotel bills and all i need is $1400(USD). Please let me know if you can help me out and I will refund the money back to you as soon as I get back home.

Ionescu Daniela

.......mentionez ca nu cunosc aceasta persoana si nici nu am vreo cunostinta in acea zona. CUM AR TREBUI PROCEDAT ? Unde se depune o sesizare in acest sens?
Va multumesc anticipat,
Am contract de internet cu firma [Editat].Au fost mari probleme cand au fost inzapezirile(locuiesc in oras).Nu am avut internet vreo 14 zile si de atunci dupa ce au restabilit conexiunea merge foarte greu. am facut nenumarate reclamatii la ei.....POT REZILIA CONTRACTUL ?