Buna seara.
Am primit acest email :
Sorry for any inconvenience, I'm in a terrible mess right now. Am deserted here in kiev ukraine since last night. I was hurt and robbed on my way back to the hotel i lodged.It was such a horrible experience for me,luckily i left my passports in the safe at the hotel. I have been to the Police and they directed me to the embassy but they're not helping issues at all. I have to canceled all my cards, it appeared I acted quickly enough or they almost would have succeeded in clearing out my bank account.the bad news is my flight will be leaving very soon but i am having problems settling the hotel bills and all i need is $1400(USD). Please let me know if you can help me out and I will refund the money back to you as soon as I get back home.
Ionescu Daniela
.......mentionez ca nu cunosc aceasta persoana si nici nu am vreo cunostinta in acea zona. CUM AR TREBUI PROCEDAT ? Unde se depune o sesizare in acest sens?
Va multumesc anticipat,
Amenintari ?
Buna, ma intereseaza sa stiu ce pot face cu un fost angajator care ma ameninta.
I-am facut o aplicatie software care nu mi-a platit-o la data stabilita in ... (vezi toată discuția)