Buna, ma intereseaza sa stiu ce pot face cu un fost angajator care ma ameninta.
I-am facut o aplicatie software care nu mi-a platit-o la data stabilita in contract iar eu am oprit-o. Dupa care primesc mailuri de atentionare si telefoane de la "prieteni ai acestuia"
Aici e o parte din mail:
By the way... Marius is not a friend of mine i don't even know who you are talking about...... but i think and i suppose he could have become your very intimate friend and very happy to know when you live... i guess so!
Knowing you for you were my employee... i would like suggest to be careful with the person you blackmail because soon or later things could have been complicate for you and for who is close to you. This is my friendly personal point of view and a friendly suggestion. Some time life bring you surprises which could have been positive or negative... it depends on you!
Sure you understand all...
Ce pot face cu astfel de persoane? se poate lua o masura legala impotriva lor?
Daca sunteti convinsa ca aceste amenintari provin de la fostul dvs. angajator, n u mai stati pe ganduri si depuneti plangere impotriva acestuia, in termen de 60 de zile, prezentand si aceasta dovada, cat si altele , daca mai sunt. This is my friendly personal point of view and a friendly suggestion. Some time life bring you surprises which could have been positive or negative... it depends on you! / aceasta este o dovada clara ca, in caz ca nu dati curs cerintelor, este posibil sa fie mai rau..sau mai bine, depinzand doar de felul in care veti coopera.