Buna seara , numele meu este O , si va adresez urmaroatea intrebare de Drept International , eu fiind acuma in Romania, speta producandu- se in Anglia:
Anul trecut, in decembrie , in timp ce eu eram la servici in Londra , prietena mea era acasa, si un coleg din cladire a intrat in camera la ea cu diverse pretexte de a o ajuta in gasirea unui loc de munca in UK... discutia intre cei doi se aprinde, de unde individul respectiv fiind in stare de ebrietate, o agreseaza sexual si devine violent ( agresare prin introducerea degetelor in vagin, pe urma reuseste sa scape ).
Ajung acasa in cursul noptii , o gasesc speriata, sunt imediat la Metropolitan Police , tipul este arestat imediat pt agresiune sexuala, fiind eliberat pe cautiune peste vreo doua luni.
Eu port calitatea de martor in Procesul din Anglia din partea acuzarii, ultimul termen al instantei fiind pe 25 iulie 2016; Acuma relatia cu domnisoara respectiva ( victima) este de domeniul trecutului ( pt ca dupa acest incident, mo inselat cu alti colegi din cadrul firmei) , si nu doresc sa mai merg la Proces, pt ca ma aflu in Romania , si nici nu doresc sa cheltui bani pe avion , cazare, pt aceasta speta in care sunt implicat.
Am notificat prin email in data de 6 iunie 2016, ofiterii de caz , ca nu doresc sa mai fiu martor in acest Proces , dar evident ca nu au raspuns la emailul respectiv;
Acum primesc acest email , de la un ofiter de Politie, chiar azi 20 iulie 2016 cu urmatorul continut:
20th July 2016
Dear Mr C
Case Against V. N
Unique Reference Number 01MP0396315
Notice to attend H. Crown Court
I am writing to confirm that you are required to attend court to give your evidence.
At the hearing on 15th February, 2016 at H. Crown Court, V. N.
pleaded “not guilty” to serious offences:
The defendant is on conditional bail.
The trial is set to begin during the week commencing 25th July, 2016 at the H. Crown Court. It is expected to last for 3-4 days.
We will try to get a running order before the trial but this may not be possible.
In this case, you could be called on any day during this week.
Therefore, please keep the week as flexible as possible and we will call you the
afternoon beforehand to warn you to attend court the following day.
You will only be needed at court on ONE day.
Don't attend court before receiving a phone call giving you the day and time that you are needed.
On arrival at Court, please make yourself known in the Witness Service room.
If you would like to read through your statement again before giving evidence, please
arrive 30 minutes early and request this from Witness Service personnel.
You should be free to leave after you have given your evidence.
Please call / email me today confirming that you will be attending court.
You might also like to look at this webpage for more information.
[ link extern ] /
If you need to claim reimbursement for travel expenses (standard class) or loss of
earnings you will be able to complete an expenses form which is available at the court.
I can book an interpreter to help you give your evidence - please confirm that you are a Romanian speaker?
NB - IF you are in Romania NOW, you must tell us immediately so that we can arrange a flight for you.
I appreciate that attending court can be worrying, so if there is anything I can help you with please contact me.
Thank you for your assistance as a witness in this case. Giving evidence is very important and your help is greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely
J. T
Witness Care Officer
Intrebarea mea pt DVS: Eu sunt in Romania , ce patesc daca-i ,,ignor ,, si nu ma duc in Londra la acest Proces in calitatea de martor pe 25 iulie? Nu doresc sa merg pt ca domnisoara ( victima) nu mai merita acest lucru , si din cauza faptului ca am servici, si nici nu am bani si timp sa pierd in acest Proces
Am dreptul sa i refuz ? Nu intentionez sa mai merg vreodata in Regatul Unit
Ce ma sfatuiti sa fac in acest caz ?
Cu respect,
astept raspunsurile dvs