Bellatrix a scris:
Without prejudice to other applicable requirements on e.g. information, methods whereby a subscriber gives prior consent by registering on a website and is later asked to confirm that he was the person who registered and to confirm his consent seem to be compatible with the Directive. Other methods may also be compatible with legal requirements.
In contrast, it would not be compatible with Article 13 of Directive 2002/58/EC simply to ask, by a general email sent to recipients, their consent to receive marketing e-mails, because of the requirement that the purpose be legitimate, explicit and specific.
Eu din asta inteleg ca ar trebui specificat si macar subiectul/domeniul la care doresc sa fac comunicari de marketing.
Altfel, destinatarul nu va accepta comunicari cu orice tema. Ar trebui ca in body-ul mesajului sa se poata spune cateva cuvinte referitoare la produse/servicii, fara a da coordonate precise.
Eu cred ca legea e facuta in ideea respectarii intimitatii (privacy-ului) destinatarilor acestor mesaje, nu e un joc de "cum gasesc o solutie in respectul legii, eventual profitand de lacune ale acesteia" - situatii care nu au fost luate in calcul.
Chiar procedura de concatenare la care face referinta legea e ciudata pentru un neavizat (clientul). Cel mai simplu, cred eu, era ca destinatarul sa dea "reply" la mesajul original, avand ca si "quote" mesajul original de cerere de aceptare de comunicari comerciale.