Cu o plăcere incomensurabilă, pe data de 15 noiembrie 2011, CEDO a pronunţat Decizia de inadmisibilitate în cazul (cazurile) Petroviæ v. Serbia.
Precum reiese din Decizie, dl Petroviæ a stabilit recordul de cereri cu conţinut dubios adresate CEDO, de peste 400 de aplicaţii, inclusiv în numele unor persoane decedate înaintea redactării procurii de reprezentare CEDO.
Vă las să vă delectaţi de conţinutul Deciziei, pe care o aveţi disponibilă şi pe prima pagină web a Curţii. Îmi cer scuze, este în engleză.
Moreover, he has applied the same practice in more than 400 cases that he has lodged
before the Court against Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
as well as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In addition, he has brought
before the Court more than 100 cases on behalf of other applicants as their lawyer.
In the course of the examination of the cases, it became evident that on at least three
occasions Mr Petroviæ had submitted applications on behalf of people who had died, with
the power of attorney signed on behalf of at least one of them after his death. In a
number of other cases, the Court had doubts as to the authenticity of the powers of
attorney that Mr Petroviæ supplied with the applications.
In March 2010 the President of the Second Section of the Court decided to ban Mr
Petroviæ from representing applicants before the Court, at that time and in the future.
Despite being informed of the ban, Mr Petroviæ continued acting on behalf of the
applicants, sometimes as their attorney and sometimes only by preparing their
submissions for the Court. Each time he requested reimbursement of his fees, even
though he was well aware that the Court would not take into consideration such
Cu stimă.
Cel mai recent răspuns:
Mihai Costache , Avocat
13:10, 16 Noiembrie 2011