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Forum Discuţii diverse Timp liber şi ocupaţii cu care ... Muzica & Film
Discuție deschisă în Timp liber şi ocupaţii cu care îl putem umple

Muzica & Film

Sunt melodii ce rezista in timp fara filmul care le-a lansat sau filme ajunse celebre si datorita coloanei sonore. Mi-ar placea sa postam aici astfel de exemple de piese muzicale
For the Love of a Princess -Braveheart
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It's Not Goodbye - Sweet November
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Once upon a time in the West

Prima melodie care mi-a venit in minte e cea din Titanic, insa iubesc (cred ca de-asta ma simt bine chiar si cand numai ma gandesc la el :love: ) filmul Casablanca.

Nu imi pot imagina Casablanca fara As Time Goes By; melodia nu e celebra in sensul pe care il dam acum cuvantului, dar se potriveste foarte bine filmului.

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You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo
They still say, “I love you.”
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.
Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date.
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man
And man must have his mate
That no one can deny.
It’s still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.

gi_jane2, :coffee:
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"Now we are free" (Gladiator theme) - Enya

Si fiindca tot este sarbatoarea iubirii la romani, melodia din filmul ,, Love story ,, , una dintre cele mai celebre teme muzicala de film.

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si intr-o alta varianta:

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Once upon a time in America ♫ - 01 Once upon a time in America
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05 Amapola
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04 Childhood memories
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Love Theme From Romeo & Juliet - Andre Rieu
Ultima modificare: Vineri, 24 Februarie 2012
Muresan Felicia, utilizator

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