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Forum Discuţii diverse Timp liber şi ocupaţii cu care ... Muzica & Film
Discuție deschisă în Timp liber şi ocupaţii cu care îl putem umple

Muzica & Film

Sunt melodii ce rezista in timp fara filmul care le-a lansat sau filme ajunse celebre si datorita coloanei sonore. Mi-ar placea sa postam aici astfel de exemple de piese muzicale
For the Love of a Princess -Braveheart
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It's Not Goodbye - Sweet November
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The Hobbit..

Ed Sheeran - I see fire
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Transformers- Best of Soundtracks-- All 3 Movies

composed by Steve Jablonsky

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Midnight Lace (1960)

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This is the title melody to the suspenseful Doris Day film "Midnight Lace". The 1960 film co starred Rex Harrison, John Gavin, Myrna Loy, Roddy McDowell, Herbert Marshall and John Williams. This obscure recording of the song from the film is expertly done by Ray Conniff and his Chorus - with the haunting harmonica solo by the great Eddy Manson.
Ultima modificare: Marți, 20 Mai 2014
Muresan Felicia, utilizator
Great Balls of Fire
Jerry Lee Lewis - Great balls of fire
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Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
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Jerry Lee Lewis - Real Wild Child
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Dirty dancing
Canta Bill Medley & Jennifer WarnesThe time of my life
Danseaza Jennifer Grey & Patrick Swayze

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Ultima modificare: Joi, 30 Iulie 2015
DlGoe, utilizator

~ final discuție ~

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