cyan a scris:
in ce conditii ati obtinut al 2 lea permis in UK?
ati declarat ca a fost retinut in RO ptr savarsirea unei infractiuni sau ati declarat ca l-ati pierdut si ati solicitat un duplicat?
permisul eliberat de autoritatile din UK si retinut in RO va fi trimis in UK si cel mai probabil veti avea de dat ceva explicatii pe acolo.
Nu are de dat nici o explicatie acolo:
EU Member States other than the UK and Ireland
Why is there no mutual recognition of disqualifications with other EU Member States?
We agree in principle that cooperation over disqualifications between Member States other than with Ireland is desirable. Any EU Member State may wish to enter into similar arrangements with us in the future. At this stage we have no expectation of any other Member State doing this. If they did we would need further Regulations in the UK and, if changes in arrangements were contemplated, further public consultation would be needed. The arrangements with Ireland will provide us with practical experience in advance of possible future approaches from other Member States.
Marea Britanie nu recunoaste decat sanctiunile impuse de Irlanda.