radugrgsc a scris:
va multumesc pt raspuns, va atasez extrasele din codul penal german care au ca obiect furtul>
in cazul unei amenzi administrative o sa ajunga in cazier? imi poate interzice accesul pe teritoriul germaniei pt o gainarie de genul asta? cum sa pledez la proces?
Section 248a
Theft and unlawful appropriation of objects of minor value
Theft and unlawful appropriation of property of minor value may only be prosecuted upon request in cases under section 242 and section 246, unless the prosecuting authority considers propio motu that prosecution is required because of special public interest.
Section 242
(1) Whosoever takes chattels belonging to another away from another with the intention of unlawfully appropriating them for himself or a third person shall be liable to imprisonment of not more than five years or a fine.
(2) The attempt shall be punishable.
Section 246
Unlawful appropriation
(1) Whosoever unlawfully appropriates chattels belonging to another for himself or a third person shall be liable to imprisonment of not more than three years or a fine unless the offence is subject to a more severe penalty under other provisions.
(2) If in cases under subsection (1) above the property was entrusted to the offender the penalty shall be imprisonment of not more than five years or a fine.
(3) The attempt shall be punishable.
Cel mai bine ar fi sa faceti un sacrificu si sa solicitati ajutorul / asistenta unui avocat german.Necunoscand practica judiciara din Germania,noi aici in Romania,putem doar presupune. In principiu pentru o astfel fe fapta nu se pronunta o sentinta privativa de libertate.Vedeti care sunt totusi consecintele administrative pentru un asemena gest si incercati sa le gestionati cat mai bine in favoarea dvs..Chiar daca este vorba de o fapta minora si recunoscuta de dvs.nu tratati cu usurinta eventualele consecinte administrative.Puteti regreta ulterior...:stunned: