am primit acest email si nu stiu ce este. poate ma ajutati voi sa-mi explicati.
( Hearing of your case in Court N#0185
Notice to Appear,
Hereby you are notified that you have been
scheduled to appear for your hearing that
will take place in the court of Bakersfield in April 04, 2014 at 09:00 am.
Please bring all documents and witnesses relating to this case
with you to Court on your hearing date.
The copy of the court notice is attached to this letter.
Note: If you do not attend the hearing the
judge may hear the case in your absence.
Yours truly,
BURKS Morales
Clerk to the Court. )
nu am fost niciodata in Bakersfield -California sau in SUA.
nu stiu la ce se refera sau ce rog sa-mi dati un raspuns.
cu multa stima.
Cel mai probabil cineva a facut o gluma.Dupa cum vedeti adresa dvs de yahoo este publica.O aveti atasata si aici la nume de utilizator.
Nu cred ca aveti de ce sa va faceti griji.