Sint cetatean strain locuiesc in statele unite si vreau sa reclam inca o plangere la cazul penal care este pe rol si pentru faptele savirsite in statele unite de respectiva persoana , cetatean Roman care a savirsit multe inselaciune si falsificari pe teritoriul Rominia dar si in state cind a fost la mine in vacanta . Cum pot sa gasesc un avocat care sa cunoasca legiile internationale si sa folosesc dovezile de inselaciune facute si inafara teritoriului Roman ?
Multumiri .
whatever he did while outside Romania, it is irrelevant for Romanian justice. even if he was convicted of some wrongdoing.
if you had proofs of such crimes that he committed, you should had filed a complain against him while he was there and surrender such evidence to the American authorities.