Buna ziua.
In asentimentul colegului meu din interventia anterioara, cred ca e putin probabil sa "walk like an Egyptian" in legislatia lor ca si licentiat in drept in Romania. Dar iata ce am gasit pt Dvs.:
[ link extern ]
- in speranta ca sunteti un bun cunoscator al limbii engleze. Va recomand in special sectiunea divortului, cu incepere de la pag.12 "Contemporary divorce legislation in Egypt" , cu precadere tipul 4 de divort (KHUL) pag.17, care reprezinta ultima modificare adusa prin L.1/2000 statusului de persoana inferioara a femeii. Pe scurt, el poate divorta practic nemotivat si poate chiar revoca divortul, dar ea poate intenta divort numai daca renunta la toate drepturile ei financiare. Sunt sigura ca lecturand pe indelete studiul, veti gasi raspuns la toate nelamuririle Dvs.
Si dintr-o alta sursa : "Egypt’s custody laws do not reflect internationally acceptable standards nor do they take the best interests of the child into account.By law, physical custody of any children born of the marriage is automatically transferred to the father at the age of ten for boys and twelve for girls, unless the parents reach an alternative extra-judicial agreement or a judge orders an extension of the mother’s custody.The threat of losing custody of children leaves divorced women with the permanent risk of becoming homeless once children reach the age where custody may be transferred to an ex-husband. A divorced woman’s entitlement to either reside in the matrimonial home or to receive support for living elsewhere is entirely contingent upon her having custody of the children. Should her custody be terminated at any point, her right to support for shelter would disappear."
O zi frumoasa :)