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Forum Discuţii juridice Probleme juridice în afaceri - ... Care este diferenta intre FCA si EXW in Incoterms 2010?
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Care este diferenta intre FCA si EXW in Incoterms 2010?

Buna ziua,
Ajutati-ma sa inteleg diferenta intre ex works si FCA, deoarece mi se par la fel si multe personae considera ca FCA inlocuieste ex works.
Cel mai recent răspuns: adela05 , utilizator 17:26, 22 Mai 2015

1. FCA: Free Carrier
Definition: FCA is usually followed by a place name – the initial destination of the goods, FCA Anchorage for example. Not surprisingly, this term is also referred to as “named place delivery”. Under the terms of FCA, it is the seller’s obligation to hand the goods over to the first carrier at the named place once they have been cleared for export. Using our earlier example, the seller would have fulfilled their obligation once the goods had been cleared for export and delivered from the seller’s warehouse (let’s say) to the carrier waiting at the port of Anchorage. At this point the buyer assumes the risks and costs of any further transport executed by the first carrier.

2. EXW: Ex (Latin for out of or from) Works; i.e. goods available from the place of production.
Definition: EXW is usually followed by a place name[1], such as EXW Portland and means essentially that the seller will make the goods available to the buyer at a specified place, i.e. the seller’s premises/warehouse/works/factory, and at a specified time. This fulfills the seller’s obligations – leaving the buyer to load the goods onto whatever transportation has been arranged, clear the goods for export, and bear all the risk during transport.
Deci, inteleg ca diferenta intre cele doua consta doar in faptul ca la FCA, bunurile sunt predate de catre Vanzator Transportatorului, in timp ce la EXW, Bunurile sunt preluate de catre Cumparator la poarta fabricii?
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