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Discuție deschisă în Taxa pe Valoarea Adaugată - TVA

PF: Cum cumpar auto SH din Germania FARA TVA

Sunt persoana fizica.
Cum cumpar auto SH din Germania FARA TVA de la Dealer (anunturi in care este precizat pret brut si net)

Raspuns minister finante Germania:

used vehicles:

According to § 4 No. 1 Clause 1 Letter a i. In connection with Section 6 of the Value Added Tax Act (UStG), export deliveries are exempt from value added tax under the statutory conditions.
According to the binding provisions of Union law, the sales tax exemption is only granted to the supplying entrepreneur (seller) if he meets the requirements of Section 4 No. 1 Sentence 1 Letter a i. V. m. § 6 Value Added Tax Act (UstG) proves to his responsible tax office. If there is a VAT-exempt delivery, it depends solely on the civil law agreements between the customer and the entrepreneur providing the service, whether and, if so, how, or how long after the purchase, a "price reduction" in the amount of the VAT - if necessary after deducting processing - and transfer costs - is passed on. Official forms or similar therefore do not exist.
Whether the conditions for a tax-free intra-Community delivery will be met in your case cannot be conclusively assessed.
The legal relationship between the supplying entrepreneur and the customer is of a civil law nature. Disputes between the parties involved must therefore be resolved under civil law.
It is therefore up to us to contact the supplying entrepreneur or your tax advisor or your legal adviser."

Ce inteleg eu aici este ca daca masina paraseste Germania si este folosita (nu noua), vanzatorul isi poate recupera TVA.
Practic poti negocia cu el sa iti dea acesti bani inapoi cand primeste certificatul de export.
Pe internet NU exista informatii clare si de vorbeste doar despre firme care importa. Eu sunt persoana fizica si ma duc personal sa cumpar.
A reusit cineva sa primeasca acei bani inapoi de la un dealer de incredere?

Ultima modificare: Luni, 31 Iulie 2023
imih97, utilizator

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