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Certificat of Good Standing

buna ziua!
am si eu o mica problema. am de tradus acest termen...certificat of Good Standing...un document emis de registrul comertului din insulele Cayman prin care se atesta ca o anumita companie a depus toate documentele necesare anului fiscal in curs si a platit toate taxele si impozitele.
colegii mi-au sugerat certificat constatator emis de registrul comertului dar din cate stiu eu certificatul constator nu cuprinde info fiscale. sau da?
deasemenea, certificat de bonitate...dar din cate stiu acesta se emite doar de catre banci nu si de institutiile ale statului. sau da?
imi dau seama ca exista dif de legislatie dar as dori sa stiu daca vreo institutie a statului elibereaza unei firme un astfel de document si cum se numeste?
care ar fi traducerea cea mai potrivita?
va multumesc mult!
Cel mai recent răspuns: legalmgm , utilizator 20:13, 3 Februarie 2010
Traducerea literala ar fi "certificat de bonitate", dar depinde si ce contine. Daca atesta faptul ca societatea nu are datorii catre statul respectiv (ziceati de informatii fiscale), atunci e cazier fiscal.
lucutel a scris:
am de tradus acest termen...certificat of Good Standing...un document emis de registrul comertului din insulele Cayman prin care se atesta ca o anumita companie a depus toate documentele necesare anului fiscal in curs si a platit toate taxele si impozitele.
colegii mi-au sugerat certificat constatator emis de registrul comertului dar din cate stiu eu certificatul constator nu cuprinde info fiscale. sau da?
deasemenea, certificat de bonitate...dar din cate stiu acesta se emite doar de catre banci nu si de institutiile ale statului. sau da?
imi dau seama ca exista dif de legislatie dar as dori sa stiu daca vreo institutie a statului elibereaza unei firme un astfel de document si cum se numeste?
care ar fi traducerea cea mai potrivita?

Buna ziua,
O forma a definitiei notiunii C of G S, valabila in UK, ar fi aceasta:

Certificate of Good Standing
Certificate of good Standing, also referred to as the Certificate of Existence or the Certificate of Authorization, in a sense is synonymous to a character certificate issued by relevant authorities stating that the company is in sane situation and can function with stability. On a formal note, the certificate of good Standing UK, as issued by the Registrar of Companies, is an official statement certifying continuous and unbroken existence of company. The same is issued based upon diligent retrospection of documents submitted by companies seeking the certificate.

Certificate of Good Standing – Need Defined
The relevance and thus the need of obtaining an authentic Certificate of Good Standing UK, is quite apparent. Few highlights to precisely outline the same are:

An Information provider:
The certificate of good standing provides information like the company name, company number and date of incorporation. It further states that company has been in continuous and unbroken existence since the date of its incorporation. In addition, the certificate prominently marks that no action is currently being taken by the Registrar of Companies for striking the company off the register and dissolving it as defunct, and as far as the Registrar is aware, the company is not in liquidation or subject to an administration order, and no receiver or manager of the company's property has been appointed.

A Confirmation & Reference Copy:
The information as stated above is a legally valid, confirmation proof for all to consider and refer. With this certificate in place, various other obligations, while undertaking business transactions in UK are, by default taken care of.

Credibility Manager
The Certificate of Good Standing, owing to its associated features is the credibility in charge. The certificate speaks for itself and presents ample grounds for third parties to rely and thus proceed with the requisite procedures.

A Legal Proof
The certificate of good Standing is a valid document which can be presented during all law related procedures and negotiations. It is universally accepted.

Poate va ajuta in interpretare.

Cu stima,

~ final discuție ~

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