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Forum Activitate Bogdan V

Activitate Bogdan V

Buna ziua,

Doresc sa stiu daca la un import temporar pentru o competitie internationala desfasurata in Romania, o persoana fizica poate fi primitor al bunurilor care fac obiectul Carnetului ATA - aceasta persoana poate fi mentionata cu nume si date din buletin in Carnetul ATA, in calitate de responsabil in Romania / sau reprezentant (in fata Vamii Romane) pentru echipa tarii vizitatoare? Precizez ca tara participanta este extra comunitara, iar bunurile respective vin din aceeasi tara.

Multumesc anticipat

Mai am o problema: daca este suficienta o adeverinta de salariat pentru perioada de munca de dupa 1 ianuarie 2011, petrecuta la precedentul serviciu, pana sa ma angajez la noul loc de munca, tot in ianuarie 2011. Multumesc!
Buna ziua,

As dori sa stiu daca mai trebuie scanata Cartea de Munca, in cazul in care aceasta a fost emisa la 31.10.2001. Conteaza daca activitatea in munca consemnata in Carte incepe cu luna martie 2001?

Va multumesc pentru raspuns.

Multumesc =D>
Buna ziua,

As dori sa stiu cum pot afla de la ITM urmatoarele informatii:
-daca sunt in evidentele lor
-cu ce istoric sunt inregistrat in evidentele lor
-in cazul in care nu sunt inregistrat complet, cum pot face sa fiu luat in evidenta cu istoricul si cu datele actualului loc de munca?

Previzez ca sunt angajat de 3 luni de zile la un nou loc de munca, am carte de munca, dar in care noul loc de munca nu este consemnat intrucat nu am putut sa o prezint angajatorului - a intarziat sa imi fie predata de precedentul angajator. In schimb am contract de munca incheiat.

Va multumesc pentru raspuns:)
v-ati lamurit pana la urma?
Am mirosit ca nu poate pica para malaiata tocmai din Accra, mai ales ca am gasit acelasi gen de text dat pe alte site-uri, in plus este o intreaga forfota cu identificarea a scam-urilor din Nigeria si Ghana si nu numai.([ link extern ] )
Am primit si mesaje cu bani dar din Ghana, se pare ca s-au mutat din Nigeria:):

-------- Original Message --------
From: "George Umeh" <grgumeh@Safe-mail.net>
Subject: Re: More details
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 05:23:36 -0400

Dear Bogdan,

Your message is received, in order to file an application on your behalf, below are the requirements.

General terms for the projects are as follows:

1.Brief Introduction of your company.
2.Your copy Certificate of Incorporation or Registration of you business in your country.
3. A letter of introduction of your company to the Chairman Tender Board Contract Award Committee explaining that you were contacted by GEORGE UMEH AGENCY LTD.

Below is the Draft copy of the letter of introduction:
Letter of introduction:
Firstly,..................... introduce your company as a reliable Transport Trading Company based in (INDICATE YOUR COUNTRY), which deals on...................
Secondly,.........that your company is able to co-operate with the Economic Community Development Organization (ECDO) for both types of contracts- Short Term and Long Term Contract to enable you render your service of ...............through their registers Agent MR. GEORGE UMEH OF GEORGE UMEH AGENCY LTD for the ongoing project in in West Africa.
Lastly,...Emphasize that you have the ability to carry out any related service, as you will remain the oversea Principal partner to Economic Community Organsation of West African States (ECOWAS)
Yours faithfully,
The Director.
signed and stamped.

Note: All documents are to be prepared on your company's letter-head, duly signed by the director of your company. The above Documents are to be send via Email Attachment for onward direct submission to the Contract Award Committee to avoid further delay for registration of your Company.

I look forward to receiving the above.


George Umeh

-------- Original Message --------
To: "George Umeh" <grgumeh@Safe-mail.net>
Subject: Re: More details
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 09:15:36 +0300

Dear George,

As per my previous message, we are interested in cooperating with you, for both types of contracts. We are looking forward to your further instructions in this respect.

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: George Umeh
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 4:36 PM
Subject: More details

Dear Bogdan,

The working procedures is depending on the type of contract you signed with the Contract Procurement Board. There are two types of contract, details are as follow:-

Short Term Contract:-
This is signed with the Procurement Board to effect a service for a set of items, materials and services rendered and payments are basically on the value of an invoice made from the Company.

Long Term Contract:-
This is the area where Companies are benefited and are in working partnership with the Government. The Company will be signed to be a principal partner to the Government to handle all their affairs, lifting and carrying out any services for long term service.

Payment methods for Long Term Contract is 100% Telegraphic Wire Transfer comfirmed into Company designated bank account before rendering services. The payment is available upon signing of contract and agreement reached over the period of years that contract is valued. It could be 5 years or more depending the Company capability.

Right now the Procurement Board are looking for interested Company for the Long Term Contract. As I speak to you, some companies are showing interest and some have submitted application for long term services. If your company is interested, kindly do let me know to send you procedures to apply.

I look foward to hearing from you.


Mr. George Umeh

-------- Original Message --------
To: "George Umeh" <grgumeh@Safe-mail.net>
Subject: Re: Introduction of transport and trading company from Bucharest, Romania
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 15:35:07 +0300

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your reply. Would you advise what is the working procedure with the Contract Procurement Board? Regarding the payment of 100%, when is this to be done? Before or after the service rendering? All these and of course if any other queries will occur, would help us to decide regarding your cooperation proposal, of which we are interested, so that both of our companies to have a mutual benefit.

Kind regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: George Umeh
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: Introduction of transport and trading company from Bucharest, Romania

Dear sir,

Thanks for your returning back a response for my inquiry. But I want state further that we are actually agent to the Economic Community Development Organization (ECDO) on contract issues in West Africa.

Economic Community Development Organization (ECDO) in collaboration with ECONOMIC COMMUNITY ORGANISATION OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) published a bill recently inviting reputable bidders from suitably qualified foreign companies to apply for services providers, courier, shipmet, maintainance of road, rail and school and products supply here in West Africa for 2010 end of year Project which I have been mandated and authorized to look for a reliable company.

Be informed that Economic Community Development Organization (ECDO) are very interested in your company services for following:

#.Ocean Freight
#.Express courrier
#.Cargo pick-up and door delivery
#.Customs clearance
#.Crating services ( with or without fumigated wood)
#.Lashing & Survey
#.Stevedore handling

Also interested for purchasing railway rolling stock, wagons, train wheelsets, wheels.

The Contract Procurement Board of ECDO/ECOWAS is looking for a reliable company who will be willing to sign a contract for the services above and supply of the above materials/equipment.

My company will give you every details for the application of the contract on behalf of your esteemed company and on doing this my company is entitled to 2% commission out of your total invoice value of any service rendered to the Board or products you supplied. Please bear it in mind that my commission is only payable to me if you after the receipt of your 100% full payment.

For us to proceed, kindly let me know if you accepted to work with me based on my 2% commission and your willingness to render your service here in West Africa to the Economic Community Development Organization (ECDO) and ECONOMIC COMMUNITY ORGANISATION OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) so as for me to give you more details on how to proceed ahead. You may call me on Tel No.+233546500184.

The terms of payment is 100% payment via (T/T) by Telegraphic Transfer confirmed in your account.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. George Umeh
Tel: +233546500184
George Umeh Agency Ltd
Accra- Ghana
