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Forum Activitate Lucsro

Activitate Lucsro

Răspuns la discuția Server Metin2 legal?

Metin2 is what it is. There are already enough easy games in the connected game industry. If people want WoW style play, they can play WoW. Metin2 was never designed along that line of thought. Yes, the grind in Metin2 is terrible. The developer are lighting it up little by little but you will not see a drastic change to a WoW style game. Play Guild Wars if thats what you want and skip the leveling entirely.


Only YMIR or its licensees have the right to host Metin2. Apart, no one is allow to host or provide matchmaking services for the Game, or intercept, emulate or redirect the proprietary communication protocols used by YMIR in connection with the Program, regardless of the method used to do so. Such prohibited methods may include, but are not limited to, protocol emulation, reverse engineering, modifying the Program, adding unauthorized components to the Program, or using a packet sniffer while the Program is running.

Every country in the World have their own Copyright Law; particularly against internet piracy. Understanding the severe consequences of the legal punishment, there isn't an Internet Service Provider who would turn against the Law to go against the Trademark owners.


Since 2004, Trademark owners of several MMORPGs have reported the operation of illegal private servers to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section which is part of the FBI have arrested several offenders of private server owners and place them in jail under Criminal Act in relation to Copyright infringement.

In 2005, a man in California, USA was arrested by FBI agent for operating Lineage II and he was sentenced to 48 months in prison. In addition, he was ordered to pay a fine of 200,000 USD and damages to NCSoft amounting to 1,800,000 USD . Hence, the declining era of private servers continued in 2006 where many were arrested and put in jail for illegally operating WOW, L2, MapleStory, AnarchyOnline, etc.


Internet piracy disrupts economic growth across the continents. How nations react to Internet piracy could well define the future economic health of a nation. Piracy laws and copyright infringement laws have reached global attention.

Copyright laws have existed for centuries but have been weak in international standards. The swell of Internet Piracy clearly advanced the heightening necessity of developing international standards.

In 1994, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) resulted in the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which provided a foundation for standards in copyright infringement laws and regulations. Internet piracy law, copyright infringement, and intellectual law were addressed globally at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a division of the United Nations, in 1996. As a result, 184 nations have now signed the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty – a modern predecessor of the 1883 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the 1886 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.


Since late 2008, when Metin2 became popular in Europe, Metin2 server file was leaked by the Taiwanese publisher through one of their employees. Hence, the first Metin2 private server was created in China and the server file was sold on the internet and reaches into the hands of some players in Europe and America.

In mid 2010, there are about ten Metin2 private servers created every month. As minimum effort was created to deter the rise of Metin2 private servers, those operators confuse the gamers that their business is legitimate. Not only did they try to compete with the official licensees to offer cheaper cash items, stated in the item mall of the official licensees, but also intrude the official servers to steal and induce players to join their illegal servers. Many players were kept in darkness about their illegal operation and were not educated of possible consequences where the private server can be shut down at any time by the Trademark owner and it's licensees.

With the rise of Metin2 private servers, the origin of Metin2 was thwarted where leveling was made easier and documented content in server file released before the stipulated development plan, which are meant to keep up with the lifespan of Metin2. The evolution of Metin2 was hence drastically damaged by several illegal operators and their private servers. Economy values of Metin2 was much affected and thereby forced the official licensees to intervene and proceed with necessary action in compliances with the Copyright Law.

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Concluzia este simpla .

Răspuns la discuția Imprumut PJ de la PF
Persoana fizica - Cetatean Roman
Răspuns la discuția Program de contabilitate
mirabelaiasi a scris:

Un program gratis,nici pe departe nu poate fi util in toate problemele contabilitatii.Programele folosite de noi sunt WinMentor si Pionier.Foarte utile dar un pic cam scumpe.O idee dupa care sa va ghidati este:un ban dat cu cap,o investitie de durata !!!

Probabil va referiti la SAGA ca program gratis , eu as spune fara a gresi aproape gratis (390/an) ,
In alta ordine de idei intrebarea din topic e putin cam incompleta , ce te intereseaza mai mult ce poate face programul sau ce cost are ?
Recomand SAGA
corbalb a scris:

Registrul de casa se arhivează:

- la casierie (exemplarul 1);
- la compartimentul financiar-contabil (exemplarul 2).
=> dublu exemplar

Raportul de gestiune "ca cam la fel"...un exemplar la gestionar, unul se arhiveaza la contabilitate.


Apropo de Raportul de gestiune !!!

"- raportul de gestiune este doar menţionat ca document în OMF 3512/2008 şi la fel a fost în OMFP 425/1998 respectiv OMFP 1850/2004
- nu are un cod de document, nu are un format tipăribil reglementat
- nu are norme de întocmire. mod de circulare, arhivare, nu se cunoaşte conţinutul minim obligatoriu al acestui document
- poate fi înlocuit cu fişa de cont pentru operaţiuni diverse
- lipsa lui nu constituie contravenţie chiar prin simplul fapt că poate fi substituit de un alt document
O societate vrea sa faca un imprumut de la o persoana fizica (sub 15000 eur), alta decat administratorul sau asociatii pe o perioada de un an in rate egale

Ma poate ajuta cineva cu urmatoarele probleme ?

1. Cum se procedeaza legal (si daca este legal), este suficient un contract de imprumut intre parti ?
2. Cum se inregistreaza contabil aceasta suma;
a. daca nu genereaza dobanda
b. daca genereaza dobanda

Multumesc !
O societate a avut :
pierdere in 2007 = 15000
Profit in 2008 = 10000
impozitul pe profit raportat in 2008 este zero pentru ca profitul realizat nu acopera pierderea din 2007
Pentru aplicarea taxei forfetare ce este luat in calcul faptul ca dupa venituri si conform grilei taxa ce trebuie platita se incadreaza la 6500 sau este minimul adica 2200 ??
Multumesc !

Si eu sunt interesat de acest subiect , am sa incerc sa detaliez putin;

Ok am inteles ,pentru comisionul acordat de societatea (cea care a pus la dispozitie aparatul), se emite factura la sfarsitul lunii etc ect..
Totusi consider ca pentru reincarcarea electronica (Prepay) trebuie inregistrata in casa de marcat la acestea exista adaos comercial ...
Problema se pune si atunci cand 'cineva' vine in control ma refer la cei de la garda si constata ca eu am in casa o suma mai mare fata de cea care este inregistrata pe casa de marcat, pentru ca depunerile la banca se fac la intervale de 2-3 zile .
Care ar fi solutia corecta in acest caz ?
Multumesc !:">