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Forum Discuţii diverse Oportunităţi de colaborare Web Site for lease: www.romanianpassport.co.il - 1200+ ...
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Web Site for lease: www.romanianpassport.co.il - 1200+ Uniqe visitors/mo + #1 Google ranking


I am one of the owners of [ link extern ] .

There are estimated to be around a million people In Israel who are eligible for a Romanian citizenship, and since Jan 1st 2007 there is a lot of demand for it. Its a huge market and our platform enables us to be acknowledged by almost any Israeli seeking Romanian citizenship services.

There are a few Israeli lawyers who provide Romanian citizenship services and they charge just under $900 (US Dollars) per case.

We are receiving inquiries from non Israeli citizens from around the world as well, but the lawyer who leases the web site from us prefers to offer his services only to local clients. The English section of the site can be further developed to attract more non-Israeli clients:

[ link extern ] /

The site contains a very user friendly electronic e-from and many people use it to make the inquiries. Any office leasing the site would be able to add its contact details (Telephone number, Fax etc..), background information about the office (including pictures), and probably any other materials that the office leasing it would see fit to place.

We are not interested in any arrangement that rewards us based on commission. We are looking for a fixed monthly rate for leasing the entire platform, but are willing to listen to offers that are based on the number of unique visitors each month. The minimum period for leasing the site is 2 months.

Any lawyers or law firms interested in leasing the platform, can make us an offer by email: josephe@fastmail.co.uk. We will provide additional contact details to those interested if needed.

Kind Regards,
Joseph B.

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