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Am primit pe Facebook urmatorul msj: "Dear pirvu
I am looking for a relative of the deceased pirvu who lost his life in Libya, during Gaddafi crisis and war. I am his legal adviser and had been looking for his next of kin but couldn't.My client left a fund legacy worth of US$9.6,000,000.00 Million before he died.
I solicit your consent to enable me produce you as the Next of Kin to my deceased client ( pirvu ) since both of you bear the same last name so we would work together in securing the transfer of this money into your own account as the beneficiary and shared according to a proposed sharing pattern / ratio of 60:40 i.e. 60% for me and 40% for you.
For more details, do contact me with your data through my private email address,after which I will send you the details of how the transaction will commence.
1. Full Name:
2. Country:
3. Telephone:
4. Date of birth:
5. E-mail:
I await your Urgent reply.
Barrister Frank Adjahoto
Tel: +22899754277.
Email:faonline228@gmail.com"... e sarlatanie sau ce?
Cel mai recent răspuns: tgeorgescu , utilizator 00:31, 8 Iulie 2013
E clar SPAM
si eu am primit acelasi mesaj :
Conversaţia a început 25 mai

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Roxana Bocsan

Frank Adjahoto
Dear Cocis,
I am looking for a relative of the deceased Cocis who lost his life in Libya, during Gaddafi crisis and war. I am his legal adviser and had been looking for his next of kin but couldn't.My client left a fund legacy worth of US$9.6,000,000.00 Million before he died.
I solicit your consent to enable me produce you as the Next of Kin to my deceased client ( Cocis ) since both of you bear the same last name so we would work together in securing the transfer of this money into your own account as the beneficiary and shared according to a proposed sharing pattern / ratio of 60:40 i.e. 60% for me and 40% for you.
For more details, do contact me with your data through my private email address,after which I will send you the details of how the transaction will commence.
1. Full Name:
2. Country:
3. Telephone:
4. Date of birth:
5. E-mail:
I await your Urgent reply.
Barrister Frank Adjahoto
Tel: +22899754277.
Email: faonline228@gmail.com
Are un nume: escrocherie nigeriana sau art. 419 cod penal nigerian. Detalii pe [ link extern ]
Ultima modificare: Luni, 8 Iulie 2013
tgeorgescu, utilizator

~ final discuție ~

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