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Forum Discuţii juridice Paşapoarte, cărţi de ... Buna ziua! - casatorie cu cetatean american in Romania
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Buna ziua! - casatorie cu cetatean american in Romania

Doresc sa stiu daca o casatorie se pot oficializa atat in cadrul ambasadei de pe teritoriul Romaniei (ex Ambasada Americana din Bucuresti),eu fiind cetatean roman si el cetatean american sau este obligatoriu sa oficializam casatoria la starea civila a orasului meu natal? Multumesc
Cel mai recent răspuns: Ares-3 , moderator 19:17, 19 Octombrie 2015
Daca Ambasada este de acord si au functionari numiti in acest scop, exista aceasta posibilitate.

Daca nu, atunci veti merge la primaria din orasul dvs. de resedinta.
Nu se oficiaza casatorii la ambasada SUA.
Logodnicul dvs. va trebui sa aduca urmatoarele documente/acte:

Marriage in Romania

Romanian documentary requirements for foreigners wishing to marry a Romanian citizen in Romania:

The Government of Romania legally recognizes only civil marriage ceremonies that are performed in the City Hall in the area where the Romanian citizen resides. Many couples also choose to hold a religious ceremony after the completion of the civil ceremony. The following documents from the U.S. citizen are needed by the Mayor’s Office to authorize marriage to a Romanian citizen:

ALL public documents issued or obtained in the U.S. must be authenticated for use in Romania with an Apostille certificate. The apostille certificate must be affixed to the document by a competent U.S. authority. Each state has a competent authority (generally it is the office of the Secretary of State in the state where the document was issued). For additional information and a list of competent authorities, please use the following link to the website of the Department of State: Apostille Requirements.

Documents required for marriage in Romania of a US citizen:

Certified copy of the birth certificate, authenticated with apostille, plus Romanian translation of the birth certificate obtained from a Romanian Notary Public office.

Affidavit (notarized statement) that the American citizen is free to marry (Certificat de cutuma). The affidavit is obtained from the US Embassy in Bucharest (the American Citizen Services in the Consular Section) by appointment only. To make an appointment, please click here. The fee is 50.00 USD and the US passport must be presented when signing the affidavit.

Prenuptial Certificate (Health Certificate) obtained from a clinic in the Romanian city/town where your marriage will take place.

Proof of termination of any previous marriages, original or certified copy, with a translation in Romanian (i.e. Divorce/Annulment Decree, Death Certificate).

[ link extern ]

~ final discuție ~

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