Corect, in limba noastra, se spune, "ia uitati ce zic niste doctori". Ca n-or fi toti doctorii din lumea asta de acord cu zicerile alea.
Mai ales ca altii spun altceva:
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She and her organization show a wilful ignorance of science and the scientific method, as well as a disrespect for accomplished scientific institutions and brilliant scientists,” said Dr Jeffrey Koplan, an epidemiologist and vice president for Global Health at Emory University who used to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Dr Irwin Redlener, the director of Columbia University’s Pandemic Resource and Response Initiative, added: “
Simone Gold is a toxic purveyor of misinformation, now actively contributing to rightwing extremist rhetoric that continues to rile up people determined to hang on to the most egregious Donald Trump lies.”