Nu aveti pentru ce sa-mi multumiti.
Exista uneori posibilitatea sa nu fiti vinovat, atunci cind in inregistrare sunt cel putin 2 masini, chiar daca sunteti ceva mai in fata. Eu o stiu cel mai bine. Problema nu e tehnica, e doar juridica, putini judecatori (mai ales cind au de judecat in aceeasi sedinta citeva zeci de dosare) au rabdare sa asculte o expunere tehnica a modului cum functioneaza un radar.
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"Historically, traffic radar has displayed the strongest target. Case law has centered on the ability of the radar operator to confidently identify what vehicle is associated with that indication. Modern DSP radar such as the BEE III can process many targets at the same time, but there is no practical way to display multiple targets and associate them with the correct vehicles."