alexandra.ghnas a scris:
forgotten_sunrise a scris:
Pai...pana in 2009, se dadusera doar 4 teste deci prea multe nu puteai face. Cat sa poti evolua rezolvand 4 teste?
Evoluezi, fata de momentul in care ai facut doar doua:))
:) da, spiritual raspuns. altfel discutia ar fi trebuit sa ajunga acolo unde am vrut eu sa o duc de la inceput. cred ca intr-o buna masura, raspunsul la problema ridicata de mine rezulta din discutia de la pag 1205-1206.
zoomzoom a scris:
De fapt, majoritatea intrebarilor sunt traduse din engleza, iar grila respectiva ar fi trebuit anulata, dat fiind ca traducerea este extrem de proasta producand confuzie:
Iata textul original:
A certain type of insect trap uses a scented lure to attract rose beetles into a plastic bag from which it is difficult for them to escape. If several of these traps are installed in a backyard garden, the number of rose beetles in the garden will be greatly reduced. If only one trap is installed, however, the number of rose beetles in the garden will actually increase.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy?
(A) The scent of a single trap’s lure usually cannot be detected throughout a backyard garden by rose beetles.
(B) Several traps are better able to catch a large number of rose beetles than is one trap alone, since any rose beetles that evade one trap are likely to encounter another trap if there are several traps in the garden.
(C) When there are several traps in a garden, they each capture fewer rose beetles than any single trap would if it were the only trap in the garden.
(D) The presence of any traps in a backyard garden will attract more rose beetles than one trap can catch, but several traps will not attract significantly more rose beetles to a garden than one trap will.
(E) When there is only one trap in the garden, the plastic bag quickly becomes filled to capacity, allowing some rose beetles to escape.
Observati ca s-a tradus prost "can catch" =poate atrage si "to a garden" = din gradina.
Intrebarea a fost copiata dintr-un LSAT:
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