trope_doi a scris:
P.S. Care zeci de surse verificate? Si, de catre cine? N-ar fi trebuit sa aflu si eu? Imi scrieti macar o sursa, pt a o verifica? Multumesc.
“Englezoaica Elisabeth Aldworth (n. 1693) a fost, se pare, prima femeie initiata in Masonerie... “ Mda cam nu au avut de ales, cum dansa, de mic copil tragea cu urechea la “sedintele secrete” ale taticului, sedinte care se desfasurau in casa lor, si urmare a faptului ca se “autoinitiase” in secrete, si cum nu se putea anihila, avand in vedere ca era fetitza lui taticu, au facut o mare exceptie, dupa care au schimbat regulamentul in privinta locului de desfasurare ale intalnirilor… Exceptia care intareste regula.
Cat despre lojile mixte si exclusive feminine, acestea sunt surogate de masonerie, repet NERECUNOSCUTE de Constitutia masonica si de Marile loji oficiale .
1. A Catholic, a Protestant and a Jew, just three of the 33,000 Freemasons in Ireland, tell Katie Donovan how their Grand Lodge, which is celebrating its 275th anniversary this week, is open to people of all religions. Only atheists and women need not apply. (La o aniversare deschisa a Marii Loji a Irlandei, invitatia stipuleaza clar ca ateistii si femeile nu sunt bineveniti - Interviu)
The Grand Lodge of Ireland is about to celebrate its 275th anniversary. There are 700 Masonic lodges in Ireland and 150 abroad which are affiliated to the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Grand Lodges of Ireland, England and Scotland are the oldest in the world.( La Marea Loja a Irlandei sunt affiliate 700 de alte loji masonice autohtone si inca 150 din afara Irlandei, marile loji ale Irlandei, Angliei si Scotiei sunt cele mai vechi din lume)
But what about the fact that women still aren't allowed to join? "The order was founded by operative stonemasons," says Selwyn Davis. "Can you see ladies hauling stones?" But nobody, male or female, hauls stones nowadays, and the order is still all-male. According to Michael Walker, "we don't get serious inquiries from women." (Dar cum ramane cu faptul ca femeile sunt in continuare excluse? “ Ordinul a fost fondat de masoni zidari” spune Davis “ Vedeti vreo femeie carand pietre?”. Dar d-le. Davis, nimeni azi, barbat sau femeie nu mai cara pietre, si totusi componenta a ramas exclusive masculina. Conform spuselor lui Michael Walker “ nu prea primim cereri din partea femeilor”…
Women play an important role in fundraising and social events, points out Selwyn Davis (Davis, a Jew, joined the Freemasons 30 years ago) : "We enjoy their support. I don't think they feel excluded. It's like I don't feel excluded when my wife goes off to her Mothers' Union meetings. Live and let live." ( Femeile joaca un rol important (doar n.trad.) in evenimentele sociale si cu ocazia actiunilor de colectare fonduri. Davis Selwyn – mason de 30 de ani – spune: “Ne face placere ajutorul lor. Nu cred ca se simt excluse. In aceeasi idée, eu nu ma simt exclus cand sotia merge la Intrunirea Mamelor. Traieste si lasa si pe altii sa traiasca”.
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2. The Co-Freemasonic Order of the Blazing Star is an independent order of freemasonry based in the South West of England that admits men and women equally.
Recognition of Co-Freemasonry by other Freemasons
Co-Freemasonry is not formally recognised by any of the major Masonic Grand Lodges inasmuch as intervisitation or other Masonic interaction is not permitted. (LOJILE MIXTE NU SUNT OFICIAL RECUNOSCUTE DE MARILE LOJI MASONICE)
A Landmark of Freemasonry agreed by all masculine Grand Lodges is that the initiation of women is forbidden and members take a binding obligation not to countenance the initiation of women. Certain Grand Lodges of Co-Freemasonry also follow the lead of the Grand Orient de France in removing references to the Supreme Being from their rituals and initiating atheists; this is a further point of separation from typical Masonic Lodges which hold belief in a Supreme Being to be a Landmark requirement.
Notwithstanding the prohibition of interaction in a ritual context, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the oldest of the Grand Lodges, whilst not recognising Co-Freemasonry, states that it does hold informal discussions from time to time with Women's and Co-Masonic Grand Lodges on issues of mutual concern, and that
Brethren are therefore free to explain to non-Masons, if asked, that Freemasonry is not confined to men (even though this Grand Lodge does not itself admit women).[7]
The Grand Orient de France also does not initiate women, but does recognize Masonic bodies that do. Thus, it allows visitation by women from those bodies.[8]
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Cu alte cuvinte, “la cratita” harasho, dar la “calaritul stil 2 pe un cal” sau pupatul in stil caracteristic , niet.
Cat despre apartenenta la masonerie a lui Robert Oppenheimer:
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cartea “Oppenheimer's choice: reflections from moral philosophy”
de Richard Mason
cartea “Satanic Bloodlines” de Fritz Springmeier
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and the list goes on :)
Pentru mine raman niste vanatori de capete abili,parsivi si ultamisogini.