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Forum Discuţii diverse Timp liber şi ocupaţii cu care ... Muzica & Film
Discuție deschisă în Timp liber şi ocupaţii cu care îl putem umple

Muzica & Film

Sunt melodii ce rezista in timp fara filmul care le-a lansat sau filme ajunse celebre si datorita coloanei sonore. Mi-ar placea sa postam aici astfel de exemple de piese muzicale
For the Love of a Princess -Braveheart
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It's Not Goodbye - Sweet November
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Le Jazz Hot (Victor/Victoria) - Julie Andrews

The Egyptian - Alfred Newman & Bernard Herrmann (suite)
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The cues I used are as follows:
01. Prelude-The Ruins-The Red Sea and Childhood-The Nile & the Temple
02. Crocodile Inn-Thebes
03. Her Name Was Merit
04. The Chariot Ride-Pursuit
05. The Pharaoh, Akhnatun
06. Put Them in Chains-The Throne Room
07. The Throne Room, Part 2
08. Taia
09. Nefer, Nefer, Nefer
10. The Harp and Couch
11. The Lotus Pool
12. Hymn to Aton
13. Sights, Sounds and Smells
14. The True Pharaoh
15. The Princess
16. The Tomb
17. The Death Potion
18. The Death of Merit
19. The Death of Akhnaton
20. Death and Exil
A Bridge too Far - Soundtrack song

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The complete song from the war movie "A Bridge too Far" starring Sean Connery, Dirk Bogarde, Michael Caine, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, Robert Redford, Ryan O'Neal, Maximilian Schell and Hardy Krüger.

Soundtrack by John Addison.

Antonio Banderas - Take the Lead - Tango scene

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Relic Hunter - Soundtrack - Main Theme

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