Potrivit prev. art. 1065 alin. (3) Instanţele române sunt de asemenea competente pentru a judeca orice cerere privind activitatea la sediul secundar al unei persoane juridice neavând sediul principal în România, când acest sediu secundar este situat în România la data introducerii cererii.
Poate fi 1 interpretare mai exotica... dar, de vreme ce statul strain are ambasada in Romania, aceasta ambasada poate constitui 'sediu secundar' (sediul principal fiind la guvernul tarii respective), Caz in care pot chema in judecata alt stat in fata instantelor romanesti... intemeindu-ma pe art. 1065 alin. (3)?
tgeorgescu a scris:
Romania clar nu v-a incalcat niciun drept prin a refuza sa judece statul sloven, deci iar nu aveti acces la CEDO.
In primul rand, am zis ca Romania mi-a incalcat dreptul la viata privata, intrucat:
1. nu a luat nicio masura sa impiedice confiscarea documentelor de statul sloven
2. timp de aproape 1 an de zile ulterior nu a facut absolut nimic pt recuperarea lor
Nu am sustinut ca statul roman mi-a incalcat dreptul la viata privata pt ca nu vrea sa judece Slovenia.
Chiar acum studiez Manoilescu si Dobrescu vs. Romania si Rusia... unde e o speta ce prezinta cat de cat similitudini.
Momentan am ajuns la 101. The Court reiterates that, from the standpoint of public international law, the jurisdictional competence of a State is primarily territorial. The case-law of the Court shows that it has only exceptionally acknowledged that a Contracting State has exercised its jurisdiction extraterritorially: It recently broadened the scope of that principle by indicating that even in the absence of effective control of a territory outside its borders, the State still has a positive obligation under Article 1 of the Convention to take the diplomatic, economic, judicial or other measures that it is in its power to take and are in accordance with international law to secure to the applicants the rights guaranteed by the Convention (see Ilaşcu and Others v. Moldova and Russia [GC], no. 48787/99, § 331, ECHR 2004-VII).
Si mai studiez art. 11 al Conventiei europene anterior mentionate:
A Contracting State cannot claim immunity from the jurisdiction of a court of another
Contracting State in proceedings which relate to redress for injury to the person or damage to
tangible property, if the facts which occasioned the injury or damage occurred in the territory of
the State of the forum, and if the author of the injury or damage was present in that territory at
the time when those facts occurred.
corespunzand cu art. 12 al Conventiei ONU anterior mentionate:
Unless otherwise agreed between the States concerned, a State cannot
invoke immunity from jurisdiction before a court of another State which is
otherwise competent in a proceeding which relates to pecuniary compensation
for death or injury to the person, or damage to or loss of tangible property,
caused by an act or omission which is alleged to be attributable to the State, if
the act or omission occurred in whole or in part in the territory of that other
State and if the author of the act or omission was present in that territory at the
time of the act or omission.
Pt ca, pe de o parte, desi statul sloven mi-a confiscat actele pe teritoriul sau... paguba a durat 1 an de zile, cat m-am aflat pe teritoriul Romaniei.
tgeorgescu a scris:
nu rezulta ca Slovenia v-ar fi incalcat un drept al omului.
Nu inteleg cum va puneti dandaratul hotararii CEDO invocate...?!
tgeorgescu a scris:
Chiar pornind de la premiza ca Slovenia v-a incalcat un drept al omului, nu ati urmat procedurile necesare pentru a contesta acest abuz
Am sa va rog sa comentati vizavi de sustinerea ca nu eram obligat sa le folosesc, atata vreme cat ar fi fost vadit ineficaci si disproportionat de inaccesibile.
Pana la urma si dvs. sunteti tot o fictiune... si, daca ma gandesc bine, chiar si eu insumi :)
Cine se uita la mine fara buletin... darmite sa imi elibereze acte? La banca, sa schimb bani s-a oferit un alt cetatean din rand sa imi schimbe pe numele lui :)
Ce cai de atac in Slovenia... cand mi-au pus un p/v in slovena in mana... si niciun politist nu vbea engleza?! Nici nu mi-au adus la cunostinta intr-o limba internationala
333 . The State in question must endeavour, with all the legal and diplomatic means available to it vis-à-vis foreign States and international organisations, to continue to guarantee the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms defined in the Convention.