Science and belief must be able to coexist. It is not a matter of opposing belief and science, but it is necessary to prevent belief from opposing science.
Stiinta si credinta trebuie sa coexiste Nu este o problema de opozitie intre stiinta si credinta ci de necesitatea de a preveni ca credinta sa se opuna stiintei.
Nevertheless, the Parliamentary Assembly is worried about the possible ill-effects of the spread of creationist ideas within our education systems and about the consequences for our democracies.
Cu toate acestea Adunarea Parlamentara este ingrijorata de posibilele efecte negative ale imprastierii ideilor creationiste in interiorul sistemului de educatie si de consecintele asupra democratiei.
19. The Parliamentary Assembly therefore urges the member states, and especially their education authorities to:
Ca urmare, Adunarea Parlamentara indeamna statele membre si in special autoritatile din domeniul educatiei sa:
19.1. defend and promote scientific knowledge;
Apere si sa promoveze cunoasterea stiintifica
19.2. strengthen the teaching of the foundations of science, its history, its epistemology and its methods alongside the teaching of objective scientific knowledge;
sa stimuleze invatarea bazelor si istoriei stiintei si epistemologia acesteia impreuna cu metoda stiintifica si cunoasterii stiintifice obiective
19.3. make science more comprehensible, more attractive and closer to the realities of the contemporary world;
sa faca stiinta mai usor de inteles, mai atractiva si mai apropiata de realitatea lumii contemporane
19.4. firmly oppose the teaching of creationism as a scientific discipline on an equal footing with the theory of evolution and in general the presentation of creationist ideas in any discipline other than religion;
sa se opuna ferm invatarii creationismului ca disciplina stiintifica ori pe picior de egalitate cu teoria evolutiei si, in general, prezenta ideilor creationiste in orice alta disciplina afara de religie
19.5. promote the teaching of evolution as a fundamental scientific theory in the school curriculums.
sa promoveze predarea evolutionismului ca teorie fundamental stiintifica in curriculumul scolar
20. The Assembly welcomes the fact that 27 academies of science of Council of Europe member states signed, in June 2006, a declaration on the teaching of evolution and calls on academies of science that have not yet done so to sign the declaration.
Adunarea primeste cu bucurie faptul ca 27 de academii de stiinta dintre statele membre ale consiliului au semnat in iunie 2006 o declaratie cu privire la invatarea teoriei evolutiei si invita academiile care nu au semnat inca aceasta declaratie sa faca acest lucru.